garden lady
Well-known member
Do all rabbits have a dewlap even the males have a smaller one? I think every rabbit I have has a dewlap. :shock: Zoup and Sunshine have big ones. Lulu has a smaller one. The 2 males I put pictures of what they are getting, but I noticed the 5 kits are getting them. Three you can see really good and 2 have smaller or maybe my imagination. Does this mean I have 3 females and 2 males, all females or all FAT RABBITS? The kits weigh 4.5 pounds and one weighs 5 pounds. They are not fat and only 8 weeks old. What is with Cream and Snickers getting dewlaps? Is it fatness or a Flemish Giant thing?<br /><br />__________ Thu Nov 15, 2012 7:09 pm __________<br /><br />Adding to my post. I found this buck on the internet. He is 16 pounds.