definition of fully pedigreed

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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2011
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can i say my rabbits come "fully pedigreed" if i don't have weights of parents/gps/ggps on them? always felt a little guilty...
I would say that that isn't "fully" pedigreed. Several of mine are like this. It really stops people from being able to register their animals if they want to. Is there any way you can contact the previous owners to get weights? This is what I am going to try to do with mine.
To get a rabbit registered each rabbit on the pedigree needs a tattoo #, weight, and color. That is technically all that is needed but I also like to see the birthdate on there.
My vote is that the rabbits are fully pedigreed.... as all the ancestors are listed.

The *pedigree* itself is not Complete... as it is missing the weights.

All Ancestors, Weights, Color and Ear #s are needed for a pedigree to be Complete.
Random Rabbit":1mqnfkj1 said:
My vote is that the rabbits are fully pedigreed.... as all the ancestors are listed.

The *pedigree* itself is not Complete... as it is missing the weights.

All Ancestors, Weights, Color and Ear #s are needed for a pedigree to be Complete.

Whoo HOO! My breeder did well, because on the pedigrees have all that information!

What if you don't tattoo your rabbits? Would their name be OK? Or should you just assign ear #s even if you don't actually tattoo them?
WildWolf":1800ly63 said:
What if you don't tattoo your rabbits? Would their name be OK? Or should you just assign ear #s even if you don't actually tattoo them?

With Showing the tattoo is everything. With mine, I'll assign numbers and names. Good bookkeeping practice IMHO. Will help you know which rabbit is which. If I ever show, than I'll already know what to tattoo. But it's a must to tatoo ARBA show rabbits. ARBA must check pedigrees and acknowledge and accept Rabbitry and tattoo. It's really an accomplishment in the Show arena for your Rabbitry to be accepted and your tattoo mean something.

OK, thanks. I don't want to show rabbits, but if I sell to people who want to show, I need to have full pedigreed offspring.
WildWolf":1xb46sjf said:
OK, thanks. I don't want to show rabbits, but if I sell to people who want to show, I need to have full pedigreed offspring.

Exactly, because it will help those who want to show be able to fill out the ARBA registry application and then help ARBA prove that it's a Showable Purebred. ARBA does check generations of the rabbit being registered.

OH- I have some more questions...
for the weight, does that mean the weight of the ancestors when the rabbit was born?
Is there a specific format for a pedigree?
The weight would be the weight of that rabbit when it reached it's senior weight. In my breed I would probably go ahead and weight them at 6 months and put that on the pedigree.
LindseysWoolies":1ol5huaz said:
To get a rabbit registered each rabbit on the pedigree needs a tattoo #, weight, and color. That is technically all that is needed but I also like to see the birthdate on there.
Yes every rabbit that is shown needs a tattoo in its left ear. Imagine judging 11 identical Californian bucks? The tattoo helps the judge and owner tell the rabbits apart.
all rabbits who are going to be shown are tattooed. If you're not showing then its not neccessary. But showing is fun!
LindseysWoolies":2f9ry03p said:
Some breeds like the flemish giant take 18 months. It just depends on what breed you raise.

Agree with Lindsey. Definitely depends on the breed.

The SOP will tell you what is considered senior, the age group and the weight ranges for that group.