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We have 7 buns.. 5 does and 2 bucks. We always had them in hutches... we built out a colony setting for them this year, with underground boxes and tunnels. The 1st litter was born in a box.. only 2 out of 8 lived. 2nd and 3rd litters were born in a burrow the doe dug.. the first one just never came out.. like mama closed up the hole and never went back. The 2nd burrow was better... but this morning noticed it seemed like mom tried to dig in, but the ground was too hard from the cold... so I opened it up a bit so she could get back in. I stuck my arm in, couldn't reach the end so I have no idea if there are babies in there.. I'm assuming so, as she came out of it 5 days ago with a bloody behind and has been going in and out, tamping down the dirt when she leaves.
anyone have a clue what the chances of survival are?
anyone have a clue what the chances of survival are?