Christmas Rabbits.

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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2014
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NW Missouri
Was able to get my daughters rabbit breed this morning, 3 good covers. :p She should kindle sometime around Dec. 24-27. Who else is breeding this winter?
Got two litters of angoras due on Dec 5 and 6th :D One doe is my profile doe Hanna. First time for her.I'm getting antsy lol. The other doe has already built her nest, a fabulous one as usual. Hanna was tossing her hay about too but she does not quite know why she is doing that. Parsnipity Snip does!
I've got 1 doe due Dec. 8-11. And now my daughter's doe too. She's super excited, because she gets to keep one of Rosa's daughters as a pet. Rosa's not a cuddle bunny. :lol: :lol: And Izzy is really wanting a cuddle bunny. Now I just need to get Tartar breed and then I'll have a full barn. :shock: :lol: :lol:
I'm contemplating... we are away December 23-27, so I will wait a few days, at least.
I'm thinking about spring sales of live stock... if I start soon, I'll have weaned kits to go early March, and I'll have almost-ready to breed does for the big local sale at the end of May.
I just don't want to get into all the work of so much bunny poop in our coldest month (february).
So I am wavering.
I need to get some lights run out back - would a couple strings of Christmas lights be enough? At least then it could be festive as well :lol: The does have their butts planted, no matter how hard the poor bucks try...
Zass":1v8ft392 said:
I'll breed all winter, and no extra light was needed last year or the year before.

I usually breed all fall & winter too .... last two years no problems and didn't use any alternative lighting.
This year I cant get a litter to save my life. Does have their behinds firmly planted and just refuse to cooperate and those that are willing aren't getting pregnant as it appears my bucks are still feeling the effects of the heat this past summer.

So much for rabbits multiplying like rabbits .... :evil:
I'm hoping to have two does kindle mid-December. They've had their butts planted too, but I'm hoping that both spending the day with their intended may have solved their reluctance--and again two days later.
Flippy Flopped cages with Tartar and Cumin. It's worked in the past so I'm hoping it will help speed things along. :lol: :lol:
Ramjet":8d0b7nhc said:
Zass":8d0b7nhc said:
I'll breed all winter, and no extra light was needed last year or the year before.

I usually breed all fall & winter too .... last two years no problems and didn't use any alternative lighting.
This year I cant get a litter to save my life. Does have their behinds firmly planted and just refuse to cooperate and those that are willing aren't getting pregnant as it appears my bucks are still feeling the effects of the heat this past summer.

So much for rabbits multiplying like rabbits .... :evil:

I was just getting started last winter (got my first trio Jan 31) but didn't have any issues then! This is actually the first time I have had this many refusals for this long. Usually at least somebody is willing... sheesh!
Not to long a go I spent 3 hours watching a doe and my buck cuddle. Was not going to leave them together without supervision. Mama can be a B to my buck if I don't keep an eye on her. :x But giving the does exposure to the buck and his scent every other day seems to help speed things along for my girls. <br /><br /> -- Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:15 pm -- <br /><br /> Just got Tartar breed. So now I'll even have New Years bunnies. :lol: :lol:
wamplercathy":1yqd7kcy said:
Was able to get my daughters rabbit breed this morning, 3 good covers. :p She should kindle sometime around Dec. 24-27. Who else is breeding this winter?
Awesome!! :D

I would breed this winter... but the buns that I want to breed will be first-time moms and I don't want to risk the babies getting abandoned, too cold, etc.
I am probably gunna breed this February and April :)
One is a first timer, one that it will be her second litter, and one that this will be her 4th or 5th litter. The litters are about a week or two off from each other so I might be able to foster in necessary. But I've been saving dryer lint all year in case they need it. :lol:
I've been doing the light thing for three years, haven't had a winter litter since the mild winter of 11/12. Decided this year to forget it. Had a JW kindle (but on the wire) last week. Two Angoras are ready to drop in the next few days. Another one possible. Still waiting on the Rex to lift, they need a lot better conditions.

So I'm convinced mine don't really care about light, it's about temps, this year milder so far. The Angora and JW don't need as much heat because of the wool, but the Rex will need a more significant temp increase before they get all hot and bothered.
I bred 2 does last week. First one got covered and she's due on the 29th. I never saw a decent cover on the second, but I did leave them together for 24 hours. I'm hopeful on that one. If she gives birth, it'll be her first litter and should come on Jan 1. I'm fairly new to breeding and not at all confident in being able to palpate correctly, so I weighed them after being bred and will check their weights again after 3 weeks or so. There ought to be some increase if popples are on the way. I'll also be feeling their bellies often, hoping to be able to detect it that way so I can learn by doing.
So far this year the rabbitry is staying about 5-6* warmer then the outside air, with little to no breeze. When my does kindle, given they use the nesting box stuffed full of straw and pine shavings and the nest boxes have a wire bottom.

Should I place a piece of cardboard in each one?
Will I need an additional heat source for each litter?
If so for how long and what type is best?

First litter:
due Dec.8-11 (very experienced mother)
weather: highs 47-59, lows 30-40 for a solid week

Second litter:
due Dec. 24-27 (1st time mother. Will be watching like a hawk.)
Weather: Unknown, Average for that time of year is H: 37* L: 18*

Third litter:

due Dec. 29-Jan. 1 (2nd time mother)
Weather: Unknown, Average for that time of year is H: 36* L: 17*
Finally a litter ..... had three does due this weekend , so far only one has delivered five with another acting as if she might.

Pretty small litter by my standards , a normal litter here is 8 with 10+ being common and 14 being my largest litter to date.

Both mom & dad are black , four black kits , one I cant tell .... appears to be broken cant tell of its black , blue or chocolate ....

On the mothers side , Grand dam and great grand dam are tri colors with the grand sire & great grand sire chocolate. (was shocked to get a black out of that pair).
On the dad's side , grand dam is blue , great grand dam black & grand sire , great grand sire chocolate.

Pictures to come ... when I can get them to upload.
First Xmas litter! Big kits. Second litter is being born as I type this :cheer2: Really important litters. First stage to healthy woolly beauties!

Parsnips litter 12-6-15.jpg

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