When I had our rabbits in the greenhouse last winter I used corrugated plastic from an old advertisement sign. I made it so it was lower in the middle but it sagged a bit anyhows. That the urine would run to.I then cut a hole in the crease at the bottom n put a coffee can under it so I could collect pure urine. And then compost dry n mulch the poo n hay.
Mine is set up up be able to put a large snow sled under it. I have some I use behind my snogo. To catch the droppings n bring to the compost pile.
In our new set up. I'm trying 2 types. Once that is open n lets everything drop on the ground. Where it can be mulched. I'm building a drying system that stores the mulched manure in silos made from 3/4" chicken wire under a roof that will allow air circulation.
And under 2 pens I have the corrugated plastic under them. So I can collect straight urine in a coffee can. Or the urine/hay
combination n then mulch that. Store it in the silos.
My silos are built on a pallet so they could be moved but it also keeps it off the ground. I have corrugated plastic, real estate signs, on the bottom. Silos of chicken wire are 4'x2'xx2' tall. 2x4s on the corners and middles 2-1/2' tall to support a plywood roof.
I'm trying to develop a product worth selling or bartering.
Pictures of rabbits in greenhouse and current set up. I do have the sides on and roof reinforced now for the winter. And the hay in the greenhouse to try to keep away from the moose.
Which are now around here daily and it's 12 below outside

Mine is set up up be able to put a large snow sled under it. I have some I use behind my snogo. To catch the droppings n bring to the compost pile.
In our new set up. I'm trying 2 types. Once that is open n lets everything drop on the ground. Where it can be mulched. I'm building a drying system that stores the mulched manure in silos made from 3/4" chicken wire under a roof that will allow air circulation.
And under 2 pens I have the corrugated plastic under them. So I can collect straight urine in a coffee can. Or the urine/hay
combination n then mulch that. Store it in the silos.
My silos are built on a pallet so they could be moved but it also keeps it off the ground. I have corrugated plastic, real estate signs, on the bottom. Silos of chicken wire are 4'x2'xx2' tall. 2x4s on the corners and middles 2-1/2' tall to support a plywood roof.
I'm trying to develop a product worth selling or bartering.
Pictures of rabbits in greenhouse and current set up. I do have the sides on and roof reinforced now for the winter. And the hay in the greenhouse to try to keep away from the moose.
Which are now around here daily and it's 12 below outside