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    • HTAcres
      HTAcres reacted to R Buns's post in the thread Tamuk Rabbit Standard? with Like Like.
      Very wise words. I was just sitting here researching thinking maybe I'll pick up replacements now that aren't ready to breed instead of...
    • HTAcres
      HTAcres reacted to R Buns's post in the thread Tamuk Rabbit Standard? with Like Like.
      I have now learned that lesson for sure. Just makes me so leary at this point. This breeder met me part way so I never got to see the...
    • HTAcres
      HTAcres reacted to Ablebreeze's post in the thread Tamuk Rabbit Standard? with Like Like.
      If you go to buy an animal and the breeder won't let you see their setup or you don't like what you see, it's ok to walk away. You...
    • HTAcres
      HTAcres reacted to R Buns's post in the thread Tamuk Rabbit Standard? with Like Like.
      This is very interesting to me. I have a trio currently that I can't wait to be rid of. The doe's I'm ready to put in the freezer and we...
    • HTAcres
      HTAcres reacted to Ablebreeze's post in the thread Tamuk Rabbit Standard? with Like Like.
      Y Ep. That's what I ve discovered. The TAMUKs I got from a small breeder who visits his fluffle everyday while he drinks his coffee are...
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