@KelleyBee Sorry to hear it is not working for you

I can feel your frustration
However, for those who are considering trying it - my set up works great for me!
It may be because I am able to clean it out every day. I never have to touch poop or scrape with hands and there's not much odor in the rabbitry.
I have maybe a bit more of a slant? I am able to catch the poop/pee in the gutter. I have a 3' piece of metal bar that I use to pull down the stuff that doesn't roll by itself. I feed a LOT of hay so there's a lot that gets stuck but is easily pulled down to the gutter.
Then, I have a 'spatula' type thing I made from wood that fits into the gutter and I scrape it all into a bucket at the end.
Takes all of about 3 minutes per 8' of cages.
I like the system because all the poop as well as all the water from the mister goes easiliy into buckets and it goes into the garden and nothing is wasted.
I'm old and it's a lot easier for me than shoveling/raking.
I bet the worms are going to love your set up!! It does have it's advantages.