Broken hind leg at 10days

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May 24, 2024
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There is one of our lilac otter kits with a broken leg. I am not sure what to do. It's body is stiff and it doesn't move. Breathing is labored and it's eyes seem rolled back in a way.

I'm sure the little guy is in a lot of pain and suffering. It was out of the nest box on the wire. I have put it in a separate box for now.

I think I know what should be done, but has anyone been able to heal a rabbit with a broken leg? He is one of 8. The others are healthy.

I don't want to move him much to get a photo of the foot. It is the rear foot and right at the joint it is floppy side to side. The other foot is normal.
Could there be internal bleeding from the break also?
Other then that, a break once set and immobilized should be not that painfull anymore, but messing with such without knowing what to do is dangerous to the break and the tissues around it. Honestly either call a vet for advice or put him down.
I'm going to vote to cull. I have read about people who had babies lose legs that survived and were able to grow up and get around just fine. But I don't know how that 10-day-old is going to eat and the fact that it already sounds like it is actively dying would make me want to put it out of its pain.

I had the biggest and reddest 12-day old kit from my current New Zealand Red litter somehow manage to get both back legs through the wire, and by the horrible compound fracture on one leg I'm sure the doe ran him over a few times. He wandered into the area my doe uses as a toilet so there was not a resting mat. The floor wire is the proper size, but it's almost like he got shoved in.

I truly empathize with how it feels to lose a kit this way. 😢

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