Baby with "pee bum"

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Well-known member
Mar 30, 2012
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Eastern Canada
I have a 7 week old who has been confusing me for weeks now. A while back, he had a swollen anus. I assumed that he would pass on his own. If not, I was going to cull him if he looked like her was suffering or losing his appetite. He didn't.. he acts totally normal and happy, he pigs out, drinks a bunch, pees and poos normally and is very friendly. He is at a great weight.

Anyway, a few days ago his bum looked back to normal but he has pee around the area. I washed him up, then decided to see what happens. He's the same as normal, but keeps getting pee butt. He's in a wire-bottomed cage. This has never happened.. what could cause this?
I'm just guessing here but his mother might have been licking his butt clean. Maybe he'll learn to clean himself later.
Maybe. It started happening a day or two before I separated him from mom.<br /><br />__________ Sat Feb 02, 2013 11:52 am __________<br /><br />Now he doesn't have pee bum, but I found some jelly poos in the tray. What the? He still acts completely normal.