Babies jumping out of nest, cannot get back in.

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2012
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Southern Oregon
Went out to check the bunnies when I got home today and found momma waiting with a baby sitting next to her. Little bugger is less than 2 weeks old and found out how to jump out of the box. Problem is that I am pretty certain that they cannot get back in once they get out. There are a couple inches of hay and such in the box and none on the outside, which would make getting back in difficult if not impossible for the little one.

Is this ok? Will momma put them back in if they need it? Been so long since I raised bunnies I cannot remember.

Since this first escapee, I found another one had made the run for freedom.

Nest box is about 6 inches high in the front, made of wire.
You can put a brick or heavy block of wood in front of the box to act as a step, or you can provide another shelter for them. I use kitty litter jugs:


Since your box is made of wire, maybe you can modify it to open in the front like the Sani-Nest from BASS Equipment. The "door" is attached only at the bottom and held closed with springs:

When my doe tore up the cardboard nest I provided that had worked well for other, smaller does, I provided her with a tupperware tote that was missing its lid, and much larger. I drilled holes at the corners and in the center to allow pee to pass through. It worked wonderfully well while the kits were small, it was large enough for mama, high sided enough to protect the kits, and heavy plastic kept them warm. BUT, I faced the same problem when the first one opened his eyes and tumbled out. I was looking around trying to find something like a "step stool" that wouldn't shift or trap the kits, when the others followed brother out, and they are all hopping around worrying me - until the leader went "climbing" up the side of the cage next to his nestbox, which had corners about 2 inches lower than the sides. When he reached his full height, basically standing tiptoe on his hind legs, he flung himself backwards and FLIPPED into the nest headfirst! I was sure he'd damaged himself, but a few seconds later, he was out and racing to "do that AGAIN". Shortly after, all the babies were playing "back door backflip"!


  • Quartz's Feb13 babies.jpg
    Quartz's Feb13 babies.jpg
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bunnies are silly. :)

I move mine from a nestbox to tipped nestbox to a 3/4 box as they mature. No box or anything in warm weather once they hit two weeks.
I ended up making some bunny stairs for them.

Took a 2x4 and a 2x6 and laid them flat on each other. Screwed them together and bingo! Baby stairs.

Just finished repairs on a better cage for them anyway. Will get it hung and move the clan to the new digs over the weekend. I will put the nest on its side once I get them moved. New cage is a bit bigger and will give momma some more room.
OMGosh,absolutely love the hanging pots!!! Great idea!<br /><br />__________ Thu Mar 14, 2013 9:08 pm __________<br /><br />LOL...I have been making bunny steps from a 2X4 for them to hop in and out of.
Add a brick and no, mom will do nothing for the baby, even if it starts screaming, she will just move away from it.
I would pull out all the extra hay from the front, so no more babies accidentally get out. One lone baby can easily freeze at 2wks if mom refuses to sit next to it thinking it wants to suckle.