Pictures from Sprinkle's litter - kits are 3 days old
Mom is 'Sprinkles', tri-color.
Dad is 'Scarlett' (who is also HER dad) - broken blue chin
First we have the ONLY kit in the litter, so far, who has color. Broken Chestnut, maybe?? Looks like the other broken chestnut kits I have, but I don't understand how these two could produce a broken chestnut? :shock:
Anyway, it's a fat, healthy looking little thing
Four of the kits look like this... fat pink things.
And one kit looks like this, can't see much of a difference on the computer, but it looks more 'white' instead of 'pink', of that makes sense.
__________ Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:12 pm __________
Chrissie's kits - 3 days old
Mom is 'Chrissie' - broken chestnut
Dad is 'Scarlett' - broken blue chin
Litter of 7 and no surprises that I can see... I think they're all broken chestnut (one solid). If you folks see anything different, let me know.

Most of them are fat little potstickers. Two seem to be small and I've given a couple of supplemental feedings from my other does, since they seem to have a good milk supply.
Kit 1 - solid chestnut
Kit 2 - Broken Chestnut (could be Charlie)
__________ Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:14 pm __________
Chrissie's Litter - Kit 4 - Broken Chestnut
This one has nice, dark, bold markings. I think it's pretty
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Kit 4 - "Baldy" - this is the runtiest kit, cute little markings though - probably broken chestnut
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Kit 5 - barely any color
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Kit 6 - This one is also kind of runty, but seems to be doing ok
I like its freckles

<br /><br /> __________ Tue Jul 07, 2015 3:29 pm __________ <br /><br /> And finally - Kit 7, another nice bold broken chestnut (I assume)
I love its face because I think it looks like a Jersey Cow lol
This is my FIRST litter of Mini Lops!! Yay! I'm excited to see how they grow up