Had to share some new pics of my babies. I'm amazed at how much they've changed in just a week.
They're (almost) 3 weeks old (they will be on Wedsnday)
But I had them out for a bit of playtime today :bunnyhop:
They loved hopping around and exploring the living room, they weren't hard to gather up either, as they all got gassed out pretty quickly and gathered around my legs to fall asleep lol.
Not very good pictures, because it's cloudy out so there's very little natural light and having the lights on didn't help either lol.
Little "Split"
This one is still my favorite and I've convinced myself that if I keep calling it "her" it'll magically be a doe, since I have no idea what it actually is xD but I really like this one, not only is "she" one of the friendliest, but I'm a sucker for anything with patches of color on the face, so I was thinking about keeping it, but not if it's a buck, unless I got another doe lol.
This one likes head scritches :lol: He just sort of melts into a puddle lol.
(and then tinypic decided to fart out and stop uploading my pics -_-) But all 7 are still kickin'!