Anyone here old enough to remember New Kids on The Block ?

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OLD?? I thought that was a younger generation! :oops: My youngest sister listened to them when she was a teenager. I'm not sure what they even sang, but.... I wasn't interested.

Oh, that's precious. Must have really been fun for her!!
NKOTB was a little after my time, so I guess I'm *really* old! LOL!!

I have met Joey McIntire though. He has a child with hearing loss and was a speaker at a conference I attended. (Two of my kids and I all have hearing loss, too.) He was super nice guy ans stuck around and talked to everyone for a while. There he was just another parent of a D/HH kid.
Zinnia":nshggrgs said:
OLD?? I thought that was a younger generation! :oops:
I hear you, Zinnia. I vaguely remember my nieces and nephews going wild about them.

That is adorable. What a wee wisp she looks in the picture, especially compared to the folks surrounding her! Love how her happiness fills her whole body to her fingertips!
I remember them, but didn't listen to them. I was more of a Simon and Garfunkel person... :lol:

What an awesome video! Bug definitely doesn't hold in her happiness! :bouncy:
I was too young. :lol: I remember older girls talking about them in elementary school when I lived in San Diego, but...It's not really my thing even if I'd have been the right age.

I'm more of a 90's grunge and alternative type.
Rock plz, with lots of guitar. :D Older rock is better than newer, IMO, and I tend to be faster to like an 70's or 80's band that would have appealed to my parents than anything made post 2000.
Zass":25c2zp1f said:
I was too young. :lol: I remember older girls talking about them in elementary school when I lived in San Diego, but...It's not really my thing even if I'd have been the right age.

I'm more of a 90's grunge and alternative type.
Rock plz, with lots of guitar. :D Older rock is better than newer, IMO, and I tend to be faster to like an 70's or 80's band that would have appealed to my parents than anything made post 2000.
Same here - I do remember my older sister having the dolls though.

I grew up with the Beach Boys :lol: My dad was/is a huge fan.
Miss M":3sa4ax2y said:
I remember them, but didn't listen to them. I was more of a Simon and Garfunkel person... :lol:

What an awesome video! Bug definitely doesn't hold in her happiness! :bouncy:

Yes! Loved Simon and Garfunkel and also Gordon Lightfoot when I was an older teen... late 60's and on into the 70s.
MaggieJ":gn8et599 said:
Miss M":gn8et599 said:
I remember them, but didn't listen to them. I was more of a Simon and Garfunkel person... :lol:

What an awesome video! Bug definitely doesn't hold in her happiness! :bouncy:

Yes! Loved Simon and Garfunkel and also Gordon Lightfoot when I was an older teen... late 60's and on into the 70s.
Gordon Lightfoot, oh yes... I didn't actually have anything of his, but enjoyed his music when I heard it.

Moody Blues.
MaggieJ":109866nn said:
Big excitement for Bug!!! :D

I'm one of those who is almost too old to remember the New Kids. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Elvis Presley was big when I was Bug's age. :oops:
:yeahthat: :lol: :lol: :x :lol: :lol:
Hmm... I heard that name. No idea what years they were popular or what music they did. I never listened to music. When I started driving I just left my truck on the same country station it had when I got it. Since I haven't been driving I have only listened to the odd songs linked to on forums and stuff in movies. Always caused problems in school projects were you had to ask the other person all their favorite things as an introduction to each other in class or something similar. I have no favorites. I chose a random popular color to call my favorite so people would leave me alone. There was still music, movies, sports...
While I have quite eclectic taste in music, boy bands and top 40 don't make the cut. I prefer music made by people rather than marketing

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