Another animal seizure including rabbits

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Well, get this, Ohio Ag law only states animals have "regular scheduled' access to wholesome food and water.... Nowhere in the code have I found any mention of domestic rabbits as companion animals, nor even as livestock!! But the definition of agriculture does include "fur" and "meat". And Some person is supposed to help foster the growth of Agriculture within the state-- Ohh-KAY! I bet that person has no clue...
I think I will reserve my comments until I see photos or is too hard to tell who is telling the truth from just a story.
I have a feeling that the result of this report will be held closer to the chest--The Six Bells cash as had so much notoriety that I would think the 'rescue' orgs atre a bit more aware-- and here issomething i the Ohi Code that is a real stinke4r-- the sheltyers and other 'societies' are not held to the same standards they supposedly enforce!!!
I too will hold my tongue until I learn more on this matter.
I just wonder now, how much we will really be able to find out-- meanwhile, close your rabbitries, everyone-- really, it is time to batten down the hatches...

Oh-- by 'close' I mean no visitors!!! No inspection by potential buyers-- there are enough valid reasons to do so...
I don't think anyone could see the pics which ultimately came out of 6 Bells and think that the filth those rabbits lived in was anything resembling clean or healthy.

But we'd have to be in complete denial to believe that these cases are isolated and won't continue on a more routine basis. This rightly should scare the h-e-double hockey sticks out of each and everyone of us. After all, these are the types of mentalities we're dealing with:
I Know this woman we attend the Dover show every year.
not even reading the story to frame the response

if you keep your animals clean,sheltered,fed and watered you aren't at ri$k of jail time($orry my letter after r key ju$t $eized)
the bylaw office may be able to take animal if you are over limit or they are cau$ing a problem but cruelty charge are not the concern

now looking at article and video

video fir$t - to imply that people concerned with animal cruelty cry for tree$ generally i$ beyond my ability to word $mith ... to $ugge$t that everyone involved in animal welfare i$ a nut i$ completely unfair and judgemental ...

article - a$ other$ have $aid I'll re$erve judgment for now - but a favourite per$on of mine quote$ thi$ $aying often "the be$t predictor of future behaviour i$ pa$t behaviour."
Brody":2p1ol2do said:
article - a$ other$ have $aid I'll re$erve judgment for now - but a favourite per$on of mine quote$ thi$ $aying often "the be$t predictor of future behaviour i$ pa$t behaviour."

I'm really bothered by the fact there was a previous conviction. I'll probably regret this but am going to say it anyway. I'm all for supporting people through the court hearing and seeking justice, but allowing breeders convicted of cruelty to have positions such as club officers really does not sit right with me.
Brody":uh4afhiq said:
if you keep your animals clean,sheltered,fed and watered you aren't at ri$k of jail time

I think it is extremely naive to underestimate the governments ability to manipulate truth and flat out lie to serve their own agenda.

If you keep your animals clean, sheltered, fed, and watered and they don't need to use you as pawn in their political games, then you aren't at risk of jail time.

That's the purpose of due process so that justice can be served. Where is the due process? It just doesn't happen in cases of animals. There is no justice system for this kind of thing. They can make a decision, take your animals, do what they want to do without you getting your day in court. There is no oversight. One person can make the decision. That should not be!

Edited to add: My comment has nothing to do with this case or any case. They may be guilty. It would just be great if there was due process so that we could trust the outcome better and that people could have a venue for defense.
I actually went back and re-read the article a couple times... ( no small feat with a slooowww dial-up connection...) There is something that kept bothering me about this one in particular...

It *seems to me * that this raid is much Less about animal Welfare... and much More about personality conflicts ! the animals are simply an Excuse to punish the person.

of Course the ac guy 'would Never say Anything incorrectly ' * sarcasm intended*

And again....What constitutes * Wholesome Exercise * ?? And WHO determines that ????????
yah Legacy I'm naive about the process ;)

how many days have you sat in court on animal cruelty cases?

How many cases of cruelty have you investigated?

Dennis I agree with you ...
Brody, I didn't say you were naive about the process. I said you were naive if you think they wouldn't manipulate the truth or down right lie.

I know there are cases of animal abuse and cruelty. There are people that deserve to be punished for the way they treat animals and I don't have a clue if this case is one of those.

What I am saying is that they have no oversight or accountability in the way they handle things. They can take your animals, fine you a bazillion dollars, sterilize your animals, adopt them out while all without you ever having your say in court. And if some twisted political agenda can be met by doing that to you, then you are naive to assume that taking care of your animals right will save you from being used as a pawn by them.
Legacy-- Amen!! It has been determined at a federal level-- that it is NOT illegal to film Law enforcement officers at work-- So, if a cop tells you that you may NOT film/photograph what he/she is doing-- chances are, it is wrong, and they know it!! When due process is not followed, how long before a police state follows?
I would assume that in a majority of cases when animals are seized from a home/farm that the LEOs there don't really know what is going on, or what they really should be looking for. They go off of what the animal rights or humane society people tell them. Afterall, what is the likelihood that your local sheriff or city officer knows the first thing about rabbits (or any other animal) unless they personally own them.

So, while abuse of the law and peoples' rights can come from any and all sides, I don't believe it is fair to bad mouth LEOs who are sort of just pawns themselves.
Brody":1bg5y4v5 said:
video fir$t - to imply that people concerned with animal cruelty cry for tree$ generally i$ beyond my ability to word $mith ... to $ugge$t that everyone involved in animal welfare i$ a nut i$ completely unfair and judgemental ...

Try having a meaningful discussion with an animal rights activist sometime. It's like trying to talk sense to the baby mamas on The Maury Povich Show. They are driven totally by emotion, have few if any facts to ever back up anything they say, and are beyond rational thought or reason.

The HSUS and Peta both have stated that their primary objectives include eliminating the practice of raising domesticated animals in this country within one generation. It is reflected in the remarks of Peta president Ingrid Newkirk's comment of "A rat is a pig is a dog is a boy", and it accurately reflects the overall view of animal rights organizations. If you wish to believe that equates to rational, level-headed thinking, it tells a story about you which I'd personally want to have nothing to do with.

And as for your comment about any breeder's operation not being at risk if they keep it clean and their rabbits well-watered and fed, that's a load of bunk, and I agree with Legacy in that you're naive if you truly believe it. What the courts did in the 6 Bells case was a miscarriage of justice, starting with their decision to sterilize that woman's rabbits without her ever having her day in court. There is a legal process and protocol which she is entitled to as a citizen of this great country, and not only was she denied due process, her civil rights were violated from the get-go. That judge legislated from the bench, violated the breeder's rights, and should be disbarred for doing so.
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