I have an awesome elop with great type and I really want to continue his lines in my crew. But after his first few shows, he started showing signs of matted paws so he stayed off the show table the rest of the spring. Although he had no sneezing and his nose remained dry, he still had these slightly matted paws this summer. With show and breeding season about to start, I decided to take him to the vet this week. I had sold some of my elops to a young lady who works at a vets office, so we talked (she is a 4Her) and she said, "Just tell her he is a show rabbit." I suspected then she would be a pet vet, so I was somewhat prepared for what happened at the visit.
The first question out of her mouth was "What size cage does he live in?" I knew then this was not going to be good, but I think she was surprised when I said 2 ft x 4 ft. She examined him, and diagnosed him with pododermatitis, saying she usually sees this on the back legs and bottom of the front legs in caged rabbits. She trimmed his paws, provided Silvadene cream and a sulfa-trim antibiotic. She said he is not contagious.
Then she told me to put him in an aquarium with carefresh bedding. I said, "Excuse me, an "aquarium?" She said yes, the ones with the glass walls. She didn't act like she was kidding. I can not imagine anything worse to put a rabbit in. I don't know if I rolled my eyes or my chinned dropped. I tried not to react at all....
The first question out of her mouth was "What size cage does he live in?" I knew then this was not going to be good, but I think she was surprised when I said 2 ft x 4 ft. She examined him, and diagnosed him with pododermatitis, saying she usually sees this on the back legs and bottom of the front legs in caged rabbits. She trimmed his paws, provided Silvadene cream and a sulfa-trim antibiotic. She said he is not contagious.
Then she told me to put him in an aquarium with carefresh bedding. I said, "Excuse me, an "aquarium?" She said yes, the ones with the glass walls. She didn't act like she was kidding. I can not imagine anything worse to put a rabbit in. I don't know if I rolled my eyes or my chinned dropped. I tried not to react at all....