allergy ball 2- successful solid food

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Hang in there, Akane, the Allergy Balls should start to improve soon. With a little luck they will begin to entertain each other and you'll get more peace. I really admire you for taking them on and giving them a good chance at life, the more so because know you're not really a cat person at heart.
:happy2: :hooray: :happy2:
In the old days we got boric acid and mixed it with water. Works wonders. I think you can still get it from any drug store.
Its not as acid as it sounds. Sure you could look it up on line.
I can't get Miyu to eat solid food. She doesn't really want a bottle. She drinks maybe a quarter of it and then shoves the nipple around chewing and releasing. Crying, flailing with her front paws, and eventually refuses to drink anything more well before she should be full. I've tried getting her to drink off a spoon. She ignores it or grabs the edge and tries to suck resulting in a nose full of milk. I've tried a dish of milk which had no idea what to do. I mixed in some wet food in all sorts of amounts. I tried to put the wet food in formula in the bottle but it clogged the nipple and if I cut the nipple and it doesn't work to feed wet in the bottle then I am stuck because I don't have another nipple to put back on that bottle. I tried putting wet food on her mouth and pushing some in when she opened her mouth to complain. She has teeth, she bites my finger and other objects, but she won't put the food in her mouth. I syringed some canned diluted a little with formula into her but it was slow going, messy, and it doesn't seem to have given her any better idea.

Today we fed Misaki in Miyu's pen in the hope she would copy her. While she was interested she still didn't get the idea. I have maybe 4 more days of formula left and then cost will become an issue again. It's $22 a can of formula powder that doesn't last a week but $5 for several weeks of wet food. I would rather not buy another can of powder. She doesn't even want to eat it. I have no idea what to do. I left Misaki's remaining breakfast in the pen and a dish of formula with a little canned in the pen. All I've accomplished is needing to give Miyu a bath.
Can she be enticed with raw meat? Kittens around 4 weeks should be interested in the smell of blood. It would be a boost for her if she takes to it.
Akane, just throwing this out there, but do you have any access to goat milk at all? I understand that it is very good to use with kittens, and that it helps build their immune systems. I can't vouch for that info, just something I ran across and thought perhaps it might help give you a direction to go.
We could not find actual goat milk when we ran out of the KMR. We have powdered goat milk that I was adding an egg to and I started adding a prebiotic because of major intestine problems. I had to use a dropper to put olive oil into her mouth for a day because between being poorly stimulated by the previous people trying to take care of her and then ending up switching from KMR to powered goat milk her intestines got rather stuck. I had another scare she wouldn't survive but about 12hrs after the first few drops of oil she started using her litterbox and now her belly is no longer distended. Which improves her appetite. If we run out of powdered before she starts eating soild I am going to have to search farther for cost effective goat milk. Just buying 1 container should do it and actual milk should cost less than cannisters of powdered.

She was highly interested in the warmed up guinea pig and Misaki helped by being so eager to chew on it and grumble at Miyu because it was such a high value food. In the end I'm not even sure if she licked it. Failure again. Last plan if everything has stilled failed tomorrow is to cut the nipple of the bottle and put canned with some formula in it so she can suck it out of the bottle. Even very well mixed canned clogs the nipple but if I cut the nipple more it may no longer function for plain formula and I'm not sure the nipples I have from another bottle will work on this one so it's a permanent change if I do it. She took it by syringe but it's just too slow and messy.
Minced or possibly even cooked meat might go over better than intact raw food too. Once she gets the basic idea, introducing new foods should become a lot less complicated.
I just fed her half a bottle of formula. She's sitting there with a dish of wet and dish of formula on one side and a guinea pig leg on the other side , as Josh put it, screaming like a banshee. Probably feed her well on formula tonight and try again when she's hungry tomorrow morning and Misaki gets fed.
Do you have a blender? You can blend wet food with formula and add as much water/formula as needed to get it thin enough to run through the nipple. It is a pain to play with the proportions to get the consistency right, but may help her to accept it.
Miyu says now that she can see well again she's ready to learn play. That means she used her teeth on things and realized she has teeth. This might help. Misaki also found she can play with Miyu so Miyu is no longer just the annoying squeaky thing that climbs on her while eating and Misaki is no longer just the large fuzzy thing that appears in Miyu's pen to be chewed on in case it dispenses milk. Hopefully this turns out to be the breakthrough needed. Also I'd rather not make another Squeaky cat. She was raised from about 3 weeks by my akita and decided she was a dog. She was rather odd, lacking cat communication skills, and I had trouble teaching her the right strength to use her teeth and claws.
I finally just got her out when very hungry and refused to give her a bottle. She usually starts chewing and sucking on my hands so for 10mins I sat around with my fingers covered in cat food until she started biting larger pieces instead of sucking on skin. She got to eating off a spoon but had to be restrained because she wants to flail wildly at food sources with her paws and jam her face into it until she can't breathe. Yesterday she jammed her mouth so far on to the bottle she made herself vomit when the nipple hit the back of her throat. She's a little overzealous. Eventually tonight we got to setting the spoon down but back in her pen with the food she is just throwing a fit. She is very very determined that food only happens when you are out and start chewing on the humans. She won't even consider there might be food on the spoon I'm holding in her pen when she definitely recognized the spoon while out. Problem is it takes her hours to eat enough and she keeps insisting on pitching herself off the furniture to go exploring between food attempts. Not all dogs are tiny kitten safe and not everything in the room is tiny kitten safe. <br /><br /> __________ Wed Jul 29, 2015 7:23 pm __________ <br /><br /> This cat does nothing in order. She is now eating chunky wet food because it makes her open her mouth instead of suck. Now teach her how to lick so she will drink from a dish cause all her water right now is from the wet food that if I add more water to will result in choking again.

If it wasn't so cute....
I'm not sure having her attached to me is really a reward :lol: Bring me some mice. Actually the mice have been rather unnoticeable lately.... I haven't seen any killed but Misaki has been dragging nesting material from under appliances and counters and exploring the lower cupboards full of mouse poop that I have abandoned until I could get the population under control. Maybe just having a threat is working. "The house is no longer safe! Move to the next one!" :twisted: The pantry might need a cat door if we get to the point we can put things in there again. It's not insulated so I can't keep the door open in extreme weather and I don't want the dogs in there.
Yes, well, I didn't get specific on purpose. :twisted: I figured you'd much prefer mouse control as a reward, but... not knowing whether she'll remain fragile, I left the door open for her being attached to you. :lol:

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