I can't get Miyu to eat solid food. She doesn't really want a bottle. She drinks maybe a quarter of it and then shoves the nipple around chewing and releasing. Crying, flailing with her front paws, and eventually refuses to drink anything more well before she should be full. I've tried getting her to drink off a spoon. She ignores it or grabs the edge and tries to suck resulting in a nose full of milk. I've tried a dish of milk which had no idea what to do. I mixed in some wet food in all sorts of amounts. I tried to put the wet food in formula in the bottle but it clogged the nipple and if I cut the nipple and it doesn't work to feed wet in the bottle then I am stuck because I don't have another nipple to put back on that bottle. I tried putting wet food on her mouth and pushing some in when she opened her mouth to complain. She has teeth, she bites my finger and other objects, but she won't put the food in her mouth. I syringed some canned diluted a little with formula into her but it was slow going, messy, and it doesn't seem to have given her any better idea.
Today we fed Misaki in Miyu's pen in the hope she would copy her. While she was interested she still didn't get the idea. I have maybe 4 more days of formula left and then cost will become an issue again. It's $22 a can of formula powder that doesn't last a week but $5 for several weeks of wet food. I would rather not buy another can of powder. She doesn't even want to eat it. I have no idea what to do. I left Misaki's remaining breakfast in the pen and a dish of formula with a little canned in the pen. All I've accomplished is needing to give Miyu a bath.