About to make the big leap

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2012
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coastal southeast North Carolina
I was at the feed store yesterday buying yet another bag of rabbit pellets and placing my order for wheat and oats. And, I took a deep breath and asked him to also order a bag of alfalfa pellets. This will be the BIG STEP into no longer using rabbit pellets. I've worked toward this but it still makes my stomach twist into knots.

I will get a mineral block and break it up for them.

I'm having issues again with the grains which is one reason, I think, that I'm so nervous. Sprouting the grains just seems to mold them instantly. And, the picky furbutts have decided to boycott the unsprouted grains. I talking like the WHOLE RABBITRY is boycotting the unsprouted grains! Only the chickens and ducks will eat them unsprouted...though they clearly prefer them sprouted, as well. So, I've gotta work that issue out.
I am guessing it's the summer heat that's causing the mold? Hopefully, it will start cooling off soon, and that problem will go away. I would love to have the room to try that.

Good luck!
To help with mold, if you're sprouting in a jar: after you rinse them, tip the jar over and put in inside a bowl... this is a bit confusing to explain with words... the jar leans at an angle against the side of the bowl, with the mesh top pointing towards the bottom of the bowl. This allows the extra water to drip out. :)
Wow, your rabbits won't eat the grain?? Mine love it!! Every morning when I go to the grain feeder, both my rabbits come running :)
I soak the grains in a 5 gallon bucket (not full) and then I have dishpans that I put holes in to do the sprouting in. The water drains out just fine. It's all this stupid humidity. Keeps everything damp.

The rabbits love the sprouted grains but, yeah, they aren't too happy about suddenly getting unsprouted grains. They are quite the spoiled things.
Go for it.

Unfortunately mine won't eat the alfalfa pellets. Either they leave them or dig them out when mixed. They do love the grains, and I sure wish they were cheaper.
Mine won't eat the alfalfa pellets. Neither will my chickens or the pig. I tried soaking them even, but nothing will eat them. I have a whole 40 pound bag that anyone in the area is welcome to. :lol:

Anyway, to get mine to make the switch to grains from pellets, I mixed a little molasses with it. I think it was Maggie I got the idea from. Worked like a charm. I use oats and BOSS and free choice alfalfa hay. And mineral/salt blocks. Good luck. I remember that uneasy feeling the first day I didn't put pellets in their feeders, but so far so good.