Frosted Rabbits
Well-known member
sad to see rabbits in those type of conditions. I do have to wonder if they are from six bells as well as nothing indicates that they are.
That is my concern-- I remember in the past, videos of pig farms and veal farms supposedly taken undercover-- yet when hummane society went in-- the same conditions did not exist-- and I find that sometimes, the 'video proof' of abuse and neglect is very similar, story to story. I do feel there are 'stock photos' for such situations--
Rabbitgeek posted some very good suggestions on the one page, to help keep yourself and your breeder friends 'out of trouble' AS one poster points out-- even if the pictures are 'real' it should be about the due process. And quite frankly, id theperson who made the tip, waited until there was acash reward- then that person;s ethics, morals are to be questioned-- neglect is neglect- and a reward for the information should not be coloring the complaint.but even so... mobilizing as a group of breeders to ensure that breeders don't get bullied out of business. that due process is followed. that there is help available if there is need. THIS IS important and let's not forget that.