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  1. AZ Rabbits

    Life span of a meat breeding doe

    And despite what people are saying on here, the 45 day breeding program is not extreme. Extensive studies have been done with this breeding program which resulted in showing both the mother and kits in great health in this breeding program. However, always watch your does. There have been rare...
  2. AZ Rabbits

    Life span of a meat breeding doe

    Many people on the 45 day schedule (breeding 2 weeks after kindling) keep their does for 3 years or less. And they're always replacing their breeding stock with the pick of the litters and continuously improving their breeders. So 3 years or less is about right for optimal production.
  3. AZ Rabbits


    This current research is not open to the public quite yet, but hopefully soon. It's really fascinating and could really turn out to be revolutionary, particularly if you raise rabbits. You'd have a clean fuel source with limitless possibilities. And the research isn't in normal wood stoves...
  4. AZ Rabbits


    It isn't associated with the PRMA group. However, I'm sure they will be working together on joint efforts in certain areas. At least, that would make sense...
  5. AZ Rabbits


    You can fax in the application to the fax on the application (480) 907-1877 or scan and email it to the email on the form. You can leave the payment section blank, as it is not relevant at this time. The association is a network of various established groups, bringing them together to increase...
  6. AZ Rabbits


    This organization is different than the PRMA in that is spans a larger field. Therefore there would be no conflicts. The Rabbit Producers Association would encompass: - Small and Medium Rabbit Producers - Commercial Rabbit Producers - Tanneries - Gardeners (Utilizing Manure) - Meat Processing...
  7. AZ Rabbits


    Just thought I'd let everyone know about the fairly new RABBIT PRODUCERS ASSOCIATION that has been created for rabbit producers and all aspects of production (from feed to fur). It's an association that will be bringing all aspects and organizations of rabbit production together in a joined...
  8. AZ Rabbits

    Klubertanz J-Clips Help

    To help with the 16 gauge wire floors, Bass Equipment sells "Floor Spreaders" which are steel rods that run across the cage floor (under the floor). They help support the floor a great deal and stay very clean. My first set of cages I made I had to use these. I highly recommend them if you need...
  9. AZ Rabbits

    Doe's preferances re: nestboxes

    Sometimes it takes them a couple litters to get good at it. Some start out as great mothers from day one.
  10. AZ Rabbits

    Klubertanz J-Clips Help

    Last time I put together 16 cages one weekend. My hands felt like they'd gotten run over by a semi. I only had gloves the 2nd half of assembly. At the end, you're hurting pretty bad and using your knees, the floor and everything else for leverage. I was too stubborn to rest because I HAD to get...
  11. AZ Rabbits

    Doe's preferances re: nestboxes

    Mine never mind me being there either. And I have some that really burrow them down in the hay and at feeding time, wiggle around until all have access. It's pretty impressive... Was this a first time mother or has she been successful in the past?
  12. AZ Rabbits

    Klubertanz J-Clips Help

    You should be able to. If you're clipping a lot, use padded gloves. It will save your hand from a lot of hurtin' when you're done.
  13. AZ Rabbits

    Klubertanz J-Clips Help

    I use stainless. I spend a little extra on the details and they last much longer, stay nicer and make things a little easier. When comparing my cages, hardware, auto watering system, etc. to a friend's setup (who pinches pennies on every level) is the difference between night and day. 2 years...
  14. AZ Rabbits


    I guess it depends on the lines. All the Harlequin breeders I've know have always said they produce closer to the 5-6 kits range while NZW's, Calis, Americans, etc produce 8-10 per litter. Maybe they all have bad stock, but from reading about Harlequin breeders across the US, that seems to...
  15. AZ Rabbits

    Selling Rabbit Meat for Human Consumption - USDA Info

    No wonder nobody is ever able to open up rabbit meat processing plants (other than a couple, one of which has been open since 1911).<br /><br />__________ Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:46 pm __________<br /><br />I contacted the Denver District and they are saying that USDA inspections are voluntary. I...
  16. AZ Rabbits

    Selling Rabbit Meat for Human Consumption - USDA Info

    Interesting. I spent a long time on the phone with them this morning and the information they gave me was a bit different. They told me inspections were mandatory. And regardless of the state laws, they had jurisdiction over rabbit meat processing in every state. Arizona falls in the Denver...
  17. AZ Rabbits

    Selling Rabbit Meat for Human Consumption - USDA Info

    After speaking with the USDA and having fun researching, thought I'd share some info... Aside from state regulations, selling rabbit meat falls under the USDA also has different requirements than beef, poultry, pork, etc. The better known meats (beef, poultry, etc) are under the free inspection...
  18. AZ Rabbits


    I'm sure that's what he was thinking too... :mrgreen:
  19. AZ Rabbits


    I've found that when I use an accelerated breeding program (rebreeding 2 weeks after kindling), they ALWAYS lift like that. If I wait longer, I sometimes have to force breed. Their cooperations makes it much easier...
  20. AZ Rabbits


    This is the scale I use. I like it because it's extremely accurate and can give various readouts and adjust if you're using a different container. It works great for both tiny kits and full grown rabbits. Link: ... B0007P4BNA