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  1. Bex

    Doe past due day 38-39

    any news?
  2. Bex

    Doe past due day 38-39

    ohhh love the video idea!!
  3. Bex

    Doe past due day 38-39

    :popcorn: ohhh im really keen to hear if shes had her kits too
  4. Bex

    HELP!! Hind leg paralysis

    thank you so much everyone for your support, this forum is great!
  5. Bex

    HELP!! Hind leg paralysis

    sorry the kits are oh gosh almost 5 weeks so are eating and drinking on their own, there has been one runty baby we have helped feed since about 1 week old, hes still really small and skinny :( i ended up taking her to the AEC vets and they confirmed a broken back and she was put to sleep...
  6. Bex

    HELP!! Hind leg paralysis

    i think so too, shes moving around her cage, but dragging her legs, im just so shocked ive never had anything like this before, i dont know what to do
  7. Bex

    HELP!! Hind leg paralysis

    my rabbit stella cant move her back legs! i was holding her on her back helping a runt have a feed, Stella kicked both back legs really hard and i heard a crunch sound, her back legs stayed stuck out straight and stiff so i put her down and she cant stand on her back legs, she didnt make any...
  8. Bex

    Leonis Rex Gen II: SUCCESS!!!

    wow he is amazing :O
  9. Bex

    some colour help *EDIT popple pics*

    yep thats my 2nd eldest daughter (i have 5 daughters and 1 son) the babies are 5 days old today and sooo cute all 9 are doing beautifully Stella is a great mama
  10. Bex

    This baby is conked out

    OMG that is sooo adorable
  11. Bex


    i hope mama is ok
  12. Bex


    oh my goodness how extremely upsetting :( i hope it all gets sorted out
  13. Bex

    Okay-- a couple little pictures....

    nawww very cute, is it a ferret kingdom cage? i converted one for bunnies too (but mine cant be 4 cages only 2) i didnt think about keeping the shelves in there, i might put them in and see how i goes
  14. Bex

    Forget the haystache, what about a tupee?

    hahahaha that is so funny
  15. Bex

    Bunny Got Head Stepped on! Help

    oh poor bunny, sounds like hes gonna be just fine with the care you are giving him <3
  16. Bex

    some colour help *EDIT popple pics*

    hehe thats ok :) you were close tho haha 3 days old im happy all 9 are well :)
  17. Bex

    Need Help with Doe delivering

    i hope your doe is ok and there are some live kits to come
  18. Bex

    some colour help *EDIT popple pics*

    thanks for the replies, i think black tort here is sooty fawn? (but im probably super wrong) im not sure tho, its all so confusing, im used to rat genetics which seems easy compared to buns yeah i was surprised at the litter size too, i hope they all do well *crosses fingers* Stella is a...
  19. Bex

    some colour help *EDIT popple pics*

    this is Stella we got her from someone who didnt want her anymore and was gonna 'give her to a mate for greyhound training' :x we were told shes a rex cross, but im not sure how to tell LOL anyway i wanted help with her colour, shes very orange but has some dark ticking in some places (hind...
  20. Bex

    ear help :)

    haha YES big AT fans here :D