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  1. N

    My hopeful prego does

    Joybell how did it go? Any kits yet. When I have had a doe use her nest box for a potty, I just try to give her a lot of hay. I wait for her to start stashing hay, and then try to put the box in. I have had to wait until she had the kits and them put them in the box. Good luck. And if you have...
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    ND Babies **Pics** Color guesses?

    Cute, do you have any more recent pics?
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    Rabbit 101 class?

    SuburbanHomesteader, The class was great! It was well put together. I have dispatched 7 rabbits, the first 2 were not easy, but I got it done. The next round of 5 was much easier. Just this last Sat. I smoked them up, can you say "yum". I will be trying rabbit belly jerky next weekend, no...
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    Bad, Thanks for your time. Gordo does like to organize his hay, scratching it about and such, but today he is gathering it in his mouth and running in circles. Can a buck sense a doe when she is ready to kindle? Nellie
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    I know the doe should be gathering a mustache of bedding to prep for nest, but why would one of my 6-8 month old buck be doing this? Any ideas? Thanks, Nellie
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    Yet another one of those slaughter methods questions...

    Kyle@theHeathertoft I watched a youtube from: Urban Survival Livestock: Raising Rabbits Part 4 He had made a wooden wringer. Seems more economical to me than buying the metal rabbit wringer. I also like the idea that he hung it from the ceiling, better movement to pull down that up for those...
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    Rabbit 101 class?

    Diamond, any word on if you are still going to do this class? I am near by you. I would be interested in it. Nellie