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  1. B

    Mushy poop

    My doe has very mushy poops but not diarrhea. it smells pretty bad. How can I fix this problem. She is fed a good quality hay and pellets. It's become a problem because it is sticking to her bottom. Help.
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    Jersey Wooly Row

    Can you tell me what wry neck is? Thanks.
  3. B

    HELP! Doe not drinking enough water to nurse kits

    Definitely not enough to feed 8 kits, only a couple ounces. I originally thought she had 10 kits but I recounted yesterday and there were 11 but 3 were dead and today all 8 are being fed but one and I don't think it has the strength to nurse and it probably won't make it though the night. I am...
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    HELP! Doe not drinking enough water to nurse kits

    What can I put in the does water to encourage her drink more water. Thought maybe honey or molasses but wanted to ask first. She has 10 kits and two haven't had any milk yet and they were born Thursday evening and are very wrinkled looking. One or two of the kits have small rounded bellies...
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    Litter problems with New Does

    The doe gets greens, all the pellets she wants, 1/2 cup oats, 1-2 tbs. calf manna and all the hay she wants. All my does who will kindle are kept in the heated basement (60 degrees) and the kits are placed in grow out pens in the basement. Don't ever want to lose another litter to the the cold...
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    Litter problems with New Does

    Sorry AnnClaire and thanks for asking...the doe is half Himalayan and Black New Zealand and the buck is a black New Zealand. She had 9...4 black NZ, 4 sable and 1 very pink kit that I'm not sure what it could be? One of the sable kits is a bit smaller than the others and I will keep a close...
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    My kits are 6 weeks old. At what age can you add greens such as Kale or green grass?
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    Litter problems with New Does

    It's Bermuda grass and you're right they love to eat it.
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    Litter problems with New Does

    What is the difference between Bermuda grass and hay? The box is on the right side of the cage and her potty area is on the very corner on the back left side. She made her nest next to the nest box but I was afraid the kits would start crawling out of the nest. Checked on the kits this am and...
  10. B

    Litter problems with New Does

    AnnClaire, Thanks! Great advice. The doe only has two kits out of eight so it should be easy to transition.<br /><br />__________ Fri Jan 11, 2013 9:50 am __________<br /><br />The doe is having her litter today (day 32) and is pulling out fur and building a nest outside of the nest box...
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    Litter problems with New Does

    I am a little confused as to when to remove the kits. They were kindled on Nov 27 so they are 16 days old. The doe is due to kindle again on Jan 10. When do I remove the first kits? Do I need to sanitize the cage where she had the first litter before the second litter is due? I have hay...
  12. B

    Litter problems with New Does

    The doe was unreceptive to the bucks advances yesterday so I tried again today and they mated. Will see how she does with her next delivery. The two kits from the first litter are very large....I guess due to their not having to share the milk but with one other kit. They certainly are...
  13. B

    Litter problems with New Does

    is it normal to wean the kits at 4 weeks? Would it be better for the kits to stay with her another couple of weeks? Since she lost so many I thought it would be better to wait and let her recoup.
  14. B

    Litter problems with New Does

    They are fat and healthy. I've been taking the doe out onto my lap and letting the kits feed twice a day so they are growing. It's amazing to watch their progress. I've rebred my other doe and will be bringing her into the basement today. I won't be taking any chances with her this time...
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    Litter problems with New Does

    Sorry, she had a total of 8 over a three day period of which 6 died.
  16. B

    Litter problems with New Does

    I don't think her milk has come in and her teats feel small. The two kits are hungry and squealing when I touch them. Should I force her to feed them by bringing her out on my lap and putting the kits on her teats? Will the kits sucking bring her milk in? Will she kill these two? I put the...
  17. B

    Litter problems with New Does

    Thanks to everyone who took their time to help a fellow rabbit lover. This morning my doe was doing well and moving signs of anymore kits. The two kits are warm and squealing for their first meal. My last question on this subject (I hope) when will she feed her kits? far...
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    Litter problems with New Does

    How can you tell if the doe has any remaining kits to deliver?
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    Litter problems with New Does

    If the doe delivers hours or days later will the kits be alive? Since I moved the kits into the nest box how does the doe find them or know they are there?
  20. B

    Litter problems with New Does

    Boy do I appreciate your help and will follow your advice about moving the kits into the nestbox. The doe had two live kits and a much larger kit that was either born dead or died. I am worried that she hadn't delivered all the kits as she still feels rather round but it has been 4 hours since...