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  1. Nyctra

    Got a nasty feeling...

    ...that this booger here was eating earthworms. :sick: Sophie went to town on a spot where there were dozens of was like a worm gold mine, a nice little spot to dig up a couple little scoops of dirt n worms for my quail...but when I went in behind her every so often, hoping to find...
  2. Nyctra

    Anyone else nickname kits by colours?

    Yep...and sometimes it sticks. :lol: I had a Silverdoe, Spottydoe, Blackbuck, Redbuck, Greybuck...
  3. silly Sophie

    silly Sophie

    My champagne aspires to be a brun. <!-- s:lol: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_lol.gif" alt=":lol:" title="Laughing" /><!-- s:lol: -->
  4. Nyctra

    How many rabbits?

    Maybe 45. :P
  5. Nyctra

    Mysterious death, accompanied by mysterious substance

    Sounds like fly eggs. :razz2:
  6. Nyctra

    I don't even LIKE kittens... [Update]

    I can't keep them in the cardboard pen anymore...I keep waking up surrounded by or buried under kittens. :oops: Java couldn't wait for her turn for the bottle, so she knocked mine over to drink from it... I thought she was just mauling it hoping for milk like she does to my hands - I didn't...
  7. Nyctra

    Cage tray thought...

    Each tub is 34.75x16.5", the row is 30x192", so it'd take 12 of them all lined up... It'd sure look junky, though. :lol:
  8. Nyctra

    Cage tray thought...

    I have a 16'x30" row of cages in my bunny shed, and I keep thinking...gosh how I would love a doe colony...but after thinking, thinking, and more thinking, I've accepted that I can't have my angora girls running around under bucks that'll just pee on them. :( Then I thought, two sets of these...
  9. Nyctra

    Sure do love bunnies...

    Well I wear an apron... :? First time I'd ever really been peed on...lucky for me, the other couple times, I didn't even notice 'cause they conveniently aimed off my lap. :lol: huh...I always wondered where that came from... :shock:
  10. Nyctra

    "Dead rabbit" picture thread

    “You didn’t see anything,” warns Puma as Amy feasts on a fallen brother.
  11. Nyctra

    Sure do love bunnies...

    Grooming a nice fluffy bunny, everything's going nice, and suddenly... oh. oh dear Thank you, Elvira. Quickly soak it up with the only tissue in sight, and carry on. And then, barely twenty minutes later- Yep. I got peed on twice in a row...first her mother, then her. I feel so loved. :lol:
  12. Nyctra

    Bigwig ~ I Never Took Him for Being Light on his Feet!

    Oh! I see them now. Man, they're puny compared to your others! lol
  13. Nyctra

    Bigwig ~ I Never Took Him for Being Light on his Feet!

    Rabbits are amazing at getting into and onto things they shouldn't be. :lol: I had a lionhead end up on a table once...on top of my snake tankes...with no boosts up... :? Then yesterday, I turned around, and my angora buck had gotten onto my dresser and knocked over a pile of jeans waiting to...
  14. Nyctra

    Plucking a rabbit.

    I tried scalding and plucking a rabbit once... :? it was a sloppy hairy mess, and I couldn't get all the hairs off 'cause many were still pretty deep in the skin as it was still growing a new coat.
  15. Nyctra

    Chestnut, orange, or fawn dwarf?

    Looks like a baby chestnut to me. :D
  16. Nyctra

    Hidden deformity?

    That's a great idea! I'll just need to be sure to keep the camera ready to snap a shot. :lol:
  17. Nyctra

    Hidden deformity?

    That's what my friends are thinking too... Darn bunnies won't open up their mouths for me, though, so I can't get a look in there. :?
  18. Nyctra

    Hidden deformity?

    I think there's a highly-inheritable...SOMETHING going on with my angora bunnies. I'm pretty sure it's not sickness, but I'm also pretty sure it sets them up for a high chance of infection. When they dip their heads to drink (especially on my only buck), you can actually watch the water trickle...
  19. Nyctra

    The runtiest runt...

    They're French angora babies. Even when I was raising my meaties, I still tried giving my runts a chance, but once it got to the point it began to lose energy, it'd be sent to the dog. She's come within hours of it, but I'm very glad tiny Amy never reached that point! :D
  20. Nyctra

    ah, hatemail~

    I could never be vegetation...allergic to too many fresh foods. :( Hence why I went through so many bunnies. :mrgreen: Part of my rabbit thing was 'cause we tried raising Cornish X, and out of 10, only 3 made it to butcher. I tried a dozen of them again just last year, fully under my care and my...