It really depends on your plans for the rabbits.
If you're raising for meat, are you raising just for yourself, or do you have arrangements to sell to the local meat market? (This requires special licensing) If just for your family, how much freezer space do you have?
You could calculate how many rabbits you can eat a week, how many average kits per litter, how often you want to breed...
For ME, I still haven't had to dispatch a rabbit. I've not yet eaten a rabbit. I have made arrangements with a local meat rabbit person to do the dispatch and processing for any rabbits I'm unable to sell, but it's not something I'm looking forward to. Maybe rabbits will be so yummy it will help the guilt factor. :roll:
I have 4, 30x36 TSC cages, two large 'condos', and a few smaller cages that can but used for emergencies.
I am planning to build outside hutches. I've been offered a pretty nice, huge cage that appears to be a former chicken cage, but I need to get it moved. It is large enough that I would need to decide how to effectively use it.
I currently only have 4 does (two of which are purebred breeding stock) and one 'pet quality' buck. I need to acquire a nice herd sire buck.
So, to make a long answer short, for me, I plan to ultimately have 3-4 breeding does and maybe 2 bucks.