Anyone else nickname kits by colours?

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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2015
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New Zealand
I've taken to nicknaming the kits by their colours - I'm getting attached, I know. :blush:

I've got Maggie/Mag the wee magpie harlequin (I have a feeling it might be a wee buck however XD), Blue the blue steel, Chin/Chinchin the black agouti chinchilla, Blacky the black, and the wee seal runt I just call runty :lol: very original of me.

I had to explain how I gave them their names when my partner asked why I was calling the wee fella "Blue" or "Chin"

Does anyone else name their kits, even when they'll be sold or sent to freezer camp?
Yep...and sometimes it sticks. :lol: I had a Silverdoe, Spottydoe, Blackbuck, Redbuck, Greybuck...
Pooky.... that's what I call runty go getters....

I don't go much else in the way of names unless I'm keeping them...then they get warrior cat names.

But for kits that I'm selling... I don't name them lest I get attached...other than the fore-a-mentioned pooky...

Though I think it was last year??? i managed to get a "king" attached. Sold him cheap to someone else who I knew would probably turn him into lunch....I just wasn't up for it at the time.
In my last litters (now awaiting freezer camp) I had a runty little fighter I called Smigget, He caught up and is only distinguishable because she has a small head... :lol: I always named my pets by their colors :lol: I had a betta I was about to name Amethyst because of the bright purple color but it was a boy so I thought, "Argh I'll have to find something else" :twisted:
Yep by appearance... Eye Spot, Jester (ear tips were flopping), Half and Half (harle), Tigger (tiger stripes), selfie (solid fawn in a harle litter) in the current litter, the rest by the number I put in their ears (Threedoe, Fiver, Niner) LOL
I have three does with the extremely original names Red, Blue & Lilac. Can you guess what colours they are?
3mina":32w4y5os said:
I have three does with the extremely original names Red, Blue & Lilac. Can you guess what colours they are?

Absolutely :lol:

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one naming with originality.
Sadly, no. "White", "also white", "dirty nose white" and "smaller white" would be what I'd be stuck with if that were the case! Hee hee.

My baby buns are just "babies" as a group, they recognise the word when it's feeding time and come to see me...and they get named for personalities if anything shines through and they're staying long. I have a doe called Grump, who is my favourite despite her being a little witch :D