ah, hatemail~

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JenerationX":j5bdi95u said:
I've known vegans that I fully respect for what they've had to read and learn to incorporate enough protein into their diets without the meats. It's not that easy to do. People that simply decide to stop eating meat and survive on just salads are sadly undernourished. I did the vegan thing when I stayed with a friend for 4 days and was fine with his food but most of the vegan meals leave me craving a pound of bacon. My body knows something's missing when it is.

I've never know a vegan who did the research. I once shared a home with a guy who lived on nothing but tofu and Kaiser rolls. He'd slice the tofu, roll in Brewer's yeast and brown it in vegetable oil and eat as a sandwich on the Kaiser roll. Same thing three times a day every day. He thought he was being healthy but he was a very low energy person and never "looked" healthy at all.
That's the problem with the world today. Too many people drinking the koolaid when they see something on TV that says X is healthy and Z isn't. A little research goes a long way.
A reply both brilliant and tasty!

On another line of thought, imagine my horror when the sheep try to eat the dogfood I leave out for their Great Pyr protector. It is....wait for it....Lamb and Rice! ROFL! Good thing Basque is a good eater and protects his food. :)
Schipperkesue":kivszw62 said:
A reply both brilliant and tasty!

On another line of thought, imagine my horror when the sheep try to eat the dogfood I leave out for their Great Pyr protector. It is....wait for it....Lamb and Rice! ROFL! Good thing Basque is a good eater and protects his food. :)

:lol: Cannibal lambs. I love it.
Schipperkesue":1nsupqj8 said:
On another line of thought, imagine my horror when the sheep try to eat the dogfood I leave out for their Great Pyr protector. It is....wait for it....Lamb and Rice! ROFL!
Well I personally would not eat a rabbit I have raised cause I see the babies and fall in love with them but I think If I were to stay away and just feed them and such then I probably would be fine with it. Like I wouldn't eat my Doe I've had her forever and she is my little baby.. My dad says she would make good soup though (she is a big girl(chubby)) but he said he wouldn't do that but when they get older or pass away I could understand using her, or our other *main* (i.e. The pets) for food cause if we bury them all in the back yard our one little fox would turn into several, that little black bear wouldn't be so little and there would probably be more.
ButtonsPalace":3ly2b2es said:
Well I personally would not eat a rabbit I have raised cause I see the babies and fall in love with them but I think If I were to stay away and just feed them and such then I probably would be fine with it. Like I wouldn't eat my Doe I've had her forever and she is my little baby.. My dad says she would make good soup though (she is a big girl(chubby)) but he said he wouldn't do that but when they get older or pass away I could understand using her, or our other *main* (i.e. The pets) for food cause if we bury them all in the back yard our one little fox would turn into several, that little black bear wouldn't be so little and there would probably be more.
There's a difference, though: your buns are raised for pets, mine are raised for food. :D I can't eat bring myself to process the ones who'd earned pet status, though... :( I give them to the forest or bury those special few. I'm smitten with all my bunnies, but I still know what they're for and know I can't keep them all.
Eating an animal that died on its own isn't a great idea either. Better to bury losses - and digging up a bunny grave isn't going to make a dent in fox population or a bear's growth. All that would happen is you'd be upset probably and the critter would get a free meal. XD
I must be (and quite probably am) a very disturbed individual because that looks absolutely delicious!
Nyctra":3mk0urui said:
ButtonsPalace":3mk0urui said:
Well I personally would not eat a rabbit I have raised cause I see the babies and fall in love with them but I think If I were to stay away and just feed them and such then I probably would be fine with it. Like I wouldn't eat my Doe I've had her forever and she is my little baby.. My dad says she would make good soup though (she is a big girl(chubby)) but he said he wouldn't do that but when they get older or pass away I could understand using her, or our other *main* (i.e. The pets) for food cause if we bury them all in the back yard our one little fox would turn into several, that little black bear wouldn't be so little and there would probably be more.
There's a difference, though: your buns are raised for pets, mine are raised for food. :D I can't eat bring myself to process the ones who'd earned pet status, though... :( I give them to the forest or bury those special few. I'm smitten with all my bunnies, but I still know what they're for and know I can't keep them all.
Eating an animal that died on its own isn't a great idea either. Better to bury losses - and digging up a bunny grave isn't going to make a dent in fox population or a bear's growth. All that would happen is you'd be upset probably and the critter would get a free meal. XD

Not so much worried about population of foxes and such in general more worried about them being in my backyard where my buns are and if I had rabbits that weren't intended to be "pets" and I just went and fed and watered them daily i'd eat them unless I didn't like the taste of rabbit
michaels4gardens":38shfpz1 said:
rabbits are only herbivores when forced to be so-- if given the choice, they will make short work of a roast beef sandwich.

Wait, what? :shock:
Bunnies eat meat?
Syberchick70":of8kh7cq said:
michaels4gardens":of8kh7cq said:
rabbits are only herbivores when forced to be so-- if given the choice, they will make short work of a roast beef sandwich.

Wait, what? :shock:
Bunnies eat meat?

Yeah, I couldn't picture that either, but apparently they will.
I have heard of a doe about to kindle eating a sliver of bacon before having her kits. This particular doe was known for eating a kit or two (live). If she ate bacon before kindling, all the kits would be fine.( so says the guy posting this on the Internet). I don't know this to be true, personally. For myself, I would remove that doe from the herd and eat the bacon myself.
Syberchick70":hc0wm9pm said:
michaels4gardens":hc0wm9pm said:
rabbits are only herbivores when forced to be so-- if given the choice, they will make short work of a roast beef sandwich.

Wait, what? :shock:
Bunnies eat meat?

Before the "New Age " rabbit raising books", and feed company literature for the promotion of their "rabbit pellets"- it was common knowledge ,that rabbits would eat all kinds of meat scraps, -- but-- now ,-ignorant or purposely misleading authors ,have published "reference material" telling people that rabbits are "strictly vegetarian" --I find the whole thing amazing.-- [and just as stupid, -promoting vegetarian rations for chickens]
I think-- that anyone thinking about raising rabbits should add to their library, a book called "Keeping poultry and rabbits on scraps" by Alan Thompson, Claude Goodchild, published by "Penguin Press" somewhere around 1942
Featherhoof":263l5nwy said:
I have heard of a doe about to kindle eating a sliver of bacon before having her kits. This particular doe was known for eating a kit or two (live). If she ate bacon before kindling, all the kits would be fine.( so says the guy posting this on the Internet). I don't know this to be true, personally. For myself, I would remove that doe from the herd and eat the bacon myself.


There are plenty of does who do not need my bacon to avoid cannibalism.
alforddm":d7gqn9kc said:
Here's a link to the kindle version. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00358 ... k_ro_title It's well worth the price.

I threw out some bacon grease the other day that wasn't worth saving. One of the horses ate it :lol: :x :p

I trained a horse that had a thing for unsweetened iced tea and corned beef. I had a sandwich one day and he started doing this lip flipping thing he'd do when he smelled carrots, soooo gave him a bite of corned beef and he made this really satisfied grunting noise while he ate it. :lol: No idea who started him on the iced tea. Most horses will go nuts for peppermint candies too. They're strange creatures I tell ya.
Sucks that someone tried to dump their poison onto you.

I had to deal with that sort of "logic" all the time. I used to foster rabbits for shelters (kinda fun getting a new bun every few months), but the people I worked with had twisted mentalities. As in, they're all happy eating burgers from McDonalds, but then they organize on the weekends to go picket local rabbit-butchering practices. Stressing a poor family out, when the meat they're producing is so much more ethical than the meat you consume??

I'm vegetarian myself because I'm not a fan of factory farming. Corporate farms where the animals all live short, hellish lives - that I can get behind hating. But morally, I would have zero issue eating one of your adorable buns :bunnyhop:
I could never be vegetation...allergic to too many fresh foods. :( Hence why I went through so many bunnies. :mrgreen: Part of my rabbit thing was 'cause we tried raising Cornish X, and out of 10, only 3 made it to butcher. I tried a dozen of them again just last year, fully under my care and my care only, and didn't lose a single bird, though a couple did have their legs give out at about 5lb. They were ADORABLE huge fatties! My fat little flock would get exercise following me around and spend the day under the rabbit cages or sunbathing. I'll eat it 'cause I'm poor, but I'm still not real comfortable with the thought of store-bought chicken, though.