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  1. SarniaTricia

    Exercising my right brain again

    Your sketches have inspired me to pull out my paints and paint some bunnies!! I do freehand acrylics when I need to "Exercise"..... hurts a little less than "no erasing", because tomorrow you can paint
  2. SarniaTricia

    Thoughts about a Velveteen Lop?

    getting a breeding trio from the same breeder is always a good idea.... sometimes a breeding group from different breeders just doesn't work. I vote for getting the trio (or at least a pair!) I DO NOT Have a rabbit problem.... but I do admit to being an enabler
  3. SarniaTricia

    I must be insane!

    Nice looking bunnies!! And don't worry about the insane part.... we all are just a little insane... at least that is what my hubby says about rabbit people.... :lol:
  4. SarniaTricia

    Happy and Sad that we are at this time of year.

    I like STARS :D :lol: I am lucky that I don't suffer from allergies... so spring, summer and fall are really my favourite times.... :lol: I also appreciate that winter gives me perspective and makes me appreciate the other seasons, just a little more..... Starting to write up my...
  5. SarniaTricia

    Don't you just love it when....

    So, I sold my meat mutts to focus on breeding Magpie Harlequin. One of the does, Little Red Riding Hood, in my meat mutt group was a big sweetie... she would crowd the door of the cage for pets and nuzzle my hands... she let me kiss her face and was an all around good mom. I miss her.... Today...
  6. SarniaTricia

    Hand feeding newborn kits

    They grew into beautiful rabbits
  7. SarniaTricia

    Happy and Sad that we are at this time of year.

    I had it pointed out to me that tomorrow is Aug 1st! This means two things!!!! 2 more weeks until I start breeding rabbits again!! I lost a mama bunny last year to the heat and promised myself I would hold off July and August breeding rabbits so that I didn't loose any to the heat this year...
  8. SarniaTricia

    Best breed for a newbie?

    I started with a line of meat mutts... I bred for colours and pattern.... loved those rabbits... sold the whole lot to a young couple starting their own backyard meat rabbit setup... (Want to focus on my show rabbits.. Magpie Harlequin... not that I would let bad attitude happen in my barn!!)
  9. SarniaTricia

    Low-Carb Shepherds Pie

    Glad to see others here on the Low-Carb Band wagon!!! I've been doing it since January 2017 and I've lost 50+lbs.... 30 or so to go still.... might start working out... lol... yeh, :lol: :lol: I will be printing this recipe to hand to the Head Chef (either me of the DH...
  10. SarniaTricia

    So... chickens...

    Beatiful Coop!! I would suggest upgrading your chicken wire to Hardware cloth in the near future.... Dogs/raccons will go through chicken wire like it isn't there. Enjoy your chooks!
  11. SarniaTricia

    Bunnies in the Chicken coop

    I would suggest reading the posts on colony raising... There is a mixed opinion on raising rabbits in a previous chicken environment. Coccidiosis is real issue with rabbits and chickens.... It has been said to me that the type doesn't cross species, but I'm not so sure... it is treatable, so...
  12. SarniaTricia

    Himalayan Junior

    I don't know a lot about the Himalayan Breed... but she is beautiful! Can you give us a little BIO on the Himalayan? I'm thinking this breed might be a good breed for a junior rabbit keeper? My step daughter is interested in having "her own" breed to show - she has just turned 17 and...
  13. SarniaTricia

    Young couple advice Update: Finally a Litter!!!

    MeadowView a lot of show people say to breed as soon as you get home from a show as the does are the most receptive ..... I believe it and have tried it... so going for a car ride makes sense to me.
  14. SarniaTricia

    Well Well Well Look Who's Having ANOTHER Birthday. Maggie!!

    Happy Belated Birthday Maggie! Extra candles are my goal every year :) Thank you for all you do here.
  15. SarniaTricia

    Young couple advice Update: Finally a Litter!!!

    Be sure to mark the date of the first time you put them together.... If they were trying and she wasn't lifting and he didn't have a fall off.... you still might get kits on day 31 I have had it happen!
  16. SarniaTricia

    Weight Loss

    you could try some Boss, Rolled oats, calf mana top dressing for her feed.... I'd up her ration on pellets a bit too (full cup/day).... alfalfa hay if you can get it .... and yes worm her....
  17. SarniaTricia

    Should I give up on this doe?

    Personally I would give her one more try... But if it doesn't go this time... cull..... I wasted a lot of time with a doe, beautiful broken Magpie! she didn't like to breed, I had to convince to feed kits and was an ok mom if she figured out the feeding thing... she stopped letting the boys do...
  18. SarniaTricia

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    So, I had someone tell me to add a splash of apple cider vinegar to my rabbit's water to help prevent weaning enteritis. I've been doing this since mid May.... so about 2 months.... A. water is the bottles started to smell awful!!! OMG ... think sewer water!! I cleaned all the bottles well...
  19. SarniaTricia

    Some French Angora pics

    Thank you! I love the Angoras..... go out of my way to shows to see them... I just don't have the attention, time, energy to have them myself. I really applaud those that have them and keep them well.
  20. SarniaTricia

    English Spots and shows?

    Plan ahead on pick a show every 3 months or twice a year... I have traveled farther than 3 hours for a show and it is really fun and a great learning experience... find a FB site for your breed and talk to people... maybe get all the contacts lined up before going to a show so you have people to...