Happy and Sad that we are at this time of year.

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Aug 18, 2016
Reaction score
Amherstburg, Ontario
I had it pointed out to me that tomorrow is Aug 1st!

This means two things!!!!
2 more weeks until I start breeding rabbits again!!

I lost a mama bunny last year to the heat and promised myself I would hold off July and August breeding rabbits so that I didn't loose any to the heat this year.

Because it is August... summer is almost over :(
I am not a fan of the winter. ;)
I enjoy having fresh tomatoes, cukes, peppers, eggplants, etc coming in, but I'm starting to sneeze and snuffle from the ragweed. I'm almost done canning green beans and will start drying juliet tomatoes today and canning the big ones soon. I'm not a fan of hot and humid and for me winter means that all the weeds and overgrown edges I didn't get to in the growing season die back. And the stars are so bright and the light so clear in winter.
And this month you'll get your first star here on RT!
I like STARS :D :lol:

I am lucky that I don't suffer from allergies... so spring, summer and fall are really my favourite times.... :lol:

I also appreciate that winter gives me perspective and makes me appreciate the other seasons, just a little more.....

Starting to write up my breeding line up today.... :p
(ok, I've already wrote it up a couple of times already... but I'm going to write it up today again... I think it helps with the waiting)
I really don't like high summer heat and humidity (not so bad this year) so I always heave a sigh of relief when August starts. The weather is still summer, but at least the nights tend to be cooler and the mornings fresh.

I figure we have six weeks of far too hot (last half of June, all of July) and six weeks of far too cold (January-February) and the rest of the time is anyone's guess. I do enjoy the progression of the seasons though and the little sights, sounds and smells that come with each.
I'm also looking forward to breeding again! Just something so magical about new little babies in the box. :3 But alas, I also love the summer. I love the sunshine and the heat, the shorts and tank tops... it's always sorely missed when the bite of winter comes sweeping down the street. Fall is lovely though, so that's a nice introduction as well as the knowledge that Thanksgiving is right around the corner. 100% my favorite holiday. Family and amazing food. Maybe even a TurDuckEnAbbit! :D :D My husband always makes a Turducken during the holiday season and this time, we're stuffing some bunny in there too.