Unfortunately due to craziness (getting the call that your house is flooding while you're on vacation is super fun

) I did not get this beautiful boy, even though I'd already named him Yoda.

Because of lots of financial issues I wasn't able to make the 5 hour round trip I would've had to go on since we didn't get him while on vacation like the plan was. He has since found a loving home with another family.
I'm now looking to purchase a single (or maybe a trio?) from the current Velveteen COD holder. She's been friendly and helpful, and I can't wait to pick up a bunny (or three :mrgreen: ) from her once she narrows her herd down a bit before she presents at convention.
Now... I currently only have cage space for one rabbit, but I'm slowly selling all of my Juniors. (7 down, 4 to go.. anyone want a Mini Lop junior buck? Or four?) By the time it comes time to pick up my V-Lops, I'll be able to make some space for a trio. So my question is, should I continue with my plan to just get a single and see if I like the velveteens, or take up this lady's offer to find me a nice trio? Pros for the trio are: the breeder lives far away, so it will be very difficult to go back and get two more rabbits if I decide I like the one, and I'm getting a nice, show quality trio from the same breeder (a reputable breeder at that). Cons are: If I decide I'd rather focus on my Jersey Woolies than breed Velveteens, I'd be stuck with 2 extra rabbits I don't want, also if Velveteens don't get accepted at Convention I'm stuck with non-showable rabbits. Pros for getting a single Velveteen: Herd mascot, yay! I'll have a nice, show quality pet to show at ARBA shows if the Velveteens get accepted at convention. And I can start with one which is easy on cage space and feed bills (although I do have the cage space and feed bills to get more than one).
My raging rabbitosis says bigger is better, which is why I need some sane opinions, please.
Thank you!