English Spots and shows?

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Well-known member
May 3, 2017
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Dresden, TN
First, does anyone know of rabbit shows in Tennessee, and if they have English Spots at them? Second, this is the one I'm thinking about showing; can anyone tell me how well y'all'd think she'd do? She's still only 3months and a bit underweight, but I'm getting her where she needs to be.


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You can use that to look up upcoming rabbit shows.

From these pictures, I can't see any obvious DQs. So not too bad, for an English spot. The eye circles might be a bit weak, and I cant tell about the shoulders though. I'm not sure if they'll be any English spots at those shows (I'm on the west coast), but the lady I bought mine from is not to far away (mary henry in Illinois)
Thank you!! I'll look into that website. If you don't mind my asking SableSteel, how did you transport your rabbits from her? I'm also looking for new bloodlines. There are only two breeders I can find here in TN, and one of them has decided not to talk to me at all after I asked if they'd have any rabbits to sell in December, when I'd be in the general area and we'd be able to decide a meeting place. The other breeder is where I got my rabbits from, and she is an absolute gem. I love working with her. She always keeps to schedules for meetings unless something she couldn't control happens, and always gives me a hard copy of pedigrees and emails me copies <br /><br /> __________ Mon Jun 05, 2017 5:23 pm __________ <br /><br /> Thank you!! I'll look into that website. If you don't mind my asking SableSteel, how did you transport your rabbits from her? I'm also looking for new bloodlines. There are only two breeders I can find here in TN, and one of them has decided not to talk to me at all after I asked if they'd have any rabbits to sell in December, when I'd be in the general area and we'd be able to decide a meeting place. The other breeder is where I got my rabbits from, and she is an absolute gem. I love working with her. She always keeps to schedules for meetings unless something she couldn't control happens, and always gives me a hard copy of pedigrees and emails me copies
I bought from her at nationals (I think it was in texas that year). The best way to find transport is to find transport to or from shows. See if anybody in your area is going to shows around her, that she'd be attending, or if she or anybody she knew was coming down to TN for a show in the future. If you are looking for a good breeder, though, I'd definitely recommend her. She's super helpful, and her rabbits are pretty (it looks like she won best in show at English spot nationals this year)
Ah, okay! Thank you for your help <br /><br /> __________ Mon Jun 05, 2017 6:01 pm __________ <br /><br /> Do either of these show her shoulders better?


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A picture straight down at her shoulders might be better. The shoulders are the most common place to see breaks in the spine marking, so I'm looking at the marking there. It's hard to tell actual type without the rabbit running or posed. They are judged on their gait as part of their type.
Thank you!! <br /><br /> __________ Tue Jun 06, 2017 8:55 am __________ <br /><br /> It took me FOREVER, but I finally got these pictures of her shoulder area. She always insists that it is attention time and nothing else :lol:


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Well I'm thoroughly​ frustrated. The shows closest to me are 3+ hours away, and being a student I can't necessarily make the shows anyway. Though I wonder if I could get one of my professors to help me start a show team for my University that I could help provide rabbits for.....hmmm
Plan ahead on pick a show every 3 months or twice a year... I have traveled farther than 3 hours for a show and it is really fun and a great learning experience... find a FB site for your breed and talk to people... maybe get all the contacts lined up before going to a show so you have people to hang with and chat with... If you ever make it North to Michigan... look up the REX group... they are a great bunch to hang with (even though I breed Harlequin rabbits... they like me! lol :lol: )
I FOUND A SHOW I CAN POKE AROUND!!!! I found a show that is about an hour and a half away from me, but I'd be heading past it on it's day anyway to watch my mom's house. I get to go to the Wilson County Fair on August 19th. I'm not expecting to see spots there, but is still a show I could go look around at. I'm excited :bouncy:

__________ Sat Jul 08, 2017 10:44 pm __________

Also, now that we have decent pictures I want to know if I'm correct. This young buck has too many stray spots on his left side for a show, but is still good for breeding, right?


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