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  1. JessiL

    anybody in the market for a fluffy Holland loop?

    They are pretty cute, I must admit. But "loops?" C'mon folks, put a little effort into your ads!
  2. JessiL

    Thinning the herd out. Which to keep and which to cull?

    What are your goals in keeping rabbits? Show, companions, color breeding projects, or a combo of these or other ideas? That will help us give you advice!
  3. JessiL


    Awww, I'll miss you two, if I go there. I was much more likely to go to the Dixon version of this show, Vallejo is that much farther from Reno. I think I'll wait until the last minute to register, to see if the potential winter storm is predicted to hit Saturday or Sunday. It's not worth it to...
  4. JessiL

    anybody in the market for a fluffy Holland loop?

    Looking for your own fluffy Holland loop? Well you're in luck - apparently there are a few over here in Reno! That and I've seen ads for New Holland meat rabbits in Sacramento. The rare breeds are popping out of the woodwork over here!
  5. JessiL

    Place your bets!!

    Am I misreading the pedigree and/or forgetting basic genetics? How would a black and a lilac produce a broken (bottom of the pedigree)? Isn't the broken gene dominant to solid color?
  6. JessiL

    PVC rabbit "barn" UPDATE: 3 years

    My primary rabbit "barn" is a cattle panel hoop structure more or less like the one in the link that ColtonRyan shared. Instead of wood framing, we used odds and ends of galvanized pipe we have around, and a chain link gate scrounged from somewhere. Then we have an insulated tarp from the local...
  7. JessiL


    MSD? Sagebrush? Anyone else heading to Vallejo for the January Jamboree?
  8. JessiL

    Tanning with Murphy's Oil Soap experiment

    Thanks for chiming in, Alforddm. Back when I tried the Murphy's, I wasn't well informed as to what the acid step was for. So, to clarify, if one was to hold a pelt at the proper pH in whatever acid one chose, could you then "tan" it acceptably with Murphy's (after neutralizing the acid)? I'm...
  9. JessiL

    Homemade dispatching/butchering tools

    Aww, I would love to support you, but I already have a "Hopper Popper" - and you only need one. I'll send friends your way if anyone expresses an interest! They look great.
  10. JessiL


    Just give them a try, and see what they want to do. As long as you are feeding quality feed, the does can raise a litter and continue growing without a problem - it's an old wive's tale that breeding them "early" will stunt their growth (though "early" is probably right if it means only 8-12...
  11. JessiL

    Pasturing rabbits and parasites

    I would advise starting out with just setting your weanlings out there, so that if anything goes wrong, you've only lost them and not your breeders. We've actually moved all of our working does back inside, but not because of parasite or health concerns. Pregnant does start digging late-ish in...
  12. JessiL

    Floating a new rabbitry name...

    Thanks for the feedback so far! Yes, I guess "Last Chance" has an AR ring to it. But the Last Chance Ditch itself is by far the oldest part of this property, and we kind of feel a certain bond towards it. Here in northern Nevada, all good things come from water. Otherwise, we are next to Alum...
  13. JessiL

    couple of questions on feeding dogs (partially) raw

    Just to report back... I've been more aggressive in feeding post-meat extraction carcasses to the pups. Since I typically give them canned food on top of their kibble, I figure it's not a big deal to throw a couple of limbs or ribcages on top of their feed, and they don't seem to mind. Next big...
  14. JessiL

    Massive bruising using wringer!?!

    How do you pick them up, out of the cage and then out of the holding carrier? It's amazing to see how scruffing them improperly can leave serious marks on them... To be clear, I often have to scruff my meaties to get them safely from point A to point B - and then I can tell later who was...
  15. JessiL

    4 Week weights are in! How do they look?

    Cutie patooties! I don't normally weigh until weaning at 5-6 weeks, so I can't comment on size, sorry. Once they hit their growth spurt they should do 1/2 pound a week at least - Americans and Champagnes d'Argent can do that.
  16. JessiL

    Officially desperate

    What is it with Champagnes and being difficult? I am about to sell all of my doe line of Champagnes because they won't breed all year like my Americans will. Not helpful, but just to let you know that you aren't alone. It's hard to breed your way out of a situation if they won't breed at all.
  17. JessiL

    Pasturing rabbits and parasites

    Just trying to keep this thread alive... We pasture rabbits in the exact opposite climate of yours - a cold desert! But knock on wood, so far (2 years now) it's working well for us. I think the secret is to either have a killing frost or dessicating conditions, and/or have your grazing rotation...
  18. JessiL

    Floating a new rabbitry name...

    So, my brother-in-law told us a cute story about how he told his friends that his brother in Nevada had a "bunny ranch," and apparently because he was in California, everyone assumed he meant that we ran a brothel... which is hilarious! But that got my husband thinking that maybe we should...
  19. JessiL

    couple of questions on feeding dogs (partially) raw

    Thanks for all of the input! I really love the idea of the washable fleece blankets for feeding, thanks for that! That is part of the cleanliness issue - we've already seen how they'll take big chunks of food from their bowl and drop them on the floor nearby. Although it's linoleum where we...
  20. JessiL

    couple of questions on feeding dogs (partially) raw

    Hi folks. I've been through a few years' worth of old posts on the subject of feeding dogs raw diets, and have learned quite a lot. But I have a few specific questions/issues that I hoped to get some good advice on. First, if I were to start feeding raw, I think I'd start by just adding raw...