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  1. ilovehome

    Holland Lop "should" of had babies today

    Yes, do keep an eye on her. I recently had an elop have a doa on day 34, and then bred her on day 35. She had another doa on day 36. 31 days later she had 3 live, healthy kits. She has been a wonderful mother.
  2. ilovehome

    Help with ID'ing color of kits

    Not sure in the HL world, but with my elops if they have blue eyes, I put cream on the pedigree. If they have brown eyes, but are fairly light I put fawn. If they are brown eyed with a deep fawn/orange color, they are oranges. If I breed them to a dilute and they throw non-dilutes, I make...
  3. ilovehome

    What breed to get

    I recently bought 8 Lilacs to use mostly for meat, and occasionally to show if they are good enough. They do seem to be built like little meat bricks, but I haven't processed any yet, as we won't breed until it cools down in the fall. Not sure if they will sell here or not. I love my Giant...
  4. ilovehome

    first time mommas ~pics~ update

    Congrats on your first kits and good job!
  5. ilovehome

    Pulling hair - findings

    One other thing I am thinking about since I raise elops, also great pets that some don't like to cull--The market can quickly become flooded. There are now several breeders near me now who raise elops, and I expect to have to cull more and more of even very nice, showable ones in the future...
  6. ilovehome

    Finally doing it - canning rabbit

    I bet it will be a favorite. We love all of our canned meat, including rabbit. We have eaten venison for years, but I was still shocked when I started canning it. The flavor was amazing! I actually like canned meat better than frozen now. And Rabbit pot pie from canned meat...rabbit...
  7. ilovehome

    Favorite Breeds

    English lops are my favorite show breed. Their ears are great, but I think that mandolin body is just stunning when posed. They also have great personalities. They are fun. My favorite meat breed are the rare Giant Chinchillas. Another mandolin breed, with a laid back personality like a...
  8. ilovehome

    best commerical feed

    I requested the Label from Hiland Naturals (organic, no soy, no GMO) so I could compare it to my pen pals feed. Now I can compare their new rabbit feed to this feed also. Thanks Zass! I did receive the label Friday but I couldn't read it when enlarged, so I have to wait on another one.
  9. ilovehome

    NonGMO feed

    Yes, I was hoping Ollitos (or someone like her) had used it the last couple of years, and would talk about it.
  10. ilovehome

    NonGMO feed

    Hiland Naturals alfalfa pellet in now being milled in Arkansas, and my favorite local feed store is carrying it. Does anyone have any experience with any Hiland products? I am seriously considering changing from Pen Pals to this.
  11. ilovehome

    Sex change fairy? (split penis findings perhaps)

    Are you totally sure that penis is split? I had elops that I thought were split when they were between 12 and 16 weeks, but they have turned out to be normal. I know this now because I had a French lop with a truly split penis, and the split continued down the shaft. Sometimes, that diamond...
  12. ilovehome

    new beige chinchilla

    She is lovely! More pics in the future, please!
  13. ilovehome

    What ARBA offers to the world of animal breeders

    Oh, I probably should not type this...but I am going to any way. I wrote this to ARBA on June 2 of this year: "Hi there. I'm not sure who to contact to make aware of this event in Arkansas on June 7. I would have attended this but will be going to the Canton, TX show this weekend. Is there...
  14. ilovehome

    We bought a house!

  15. ilovehome

    Aime decided I need a bath

    Someone needs to put up a video of a chinchilla dust bath just because they are so fun to watch. I vote you do it...and sparkly dust on you and the chins would be even funnier. lol
  16. ilovehome

    I made mozzarella!

    I failed the first time I tried this with cows milk. Yours looks wonderful! Glad you and your family loved it. Do you make Chevre with the goats milk?
  17. ilovehome

    Rabbit Talk Mini Convention at Saturday's Cajun Classic

    Yes, It was a great event! I look forward to next year. It was nice meeting you "officially" yesterday. The only negative was I had the only G Chin there after they went through the trouble to sanction the breed because others planned to attend. :( Picked up my new Lilacs, sold a few buns and...
  18. ilovehome

    possibly pasteurella

    Oh NO! I hope it is not pasteurella either. I've been worried about that for my new chins too, since I consider all my buns exposed because we show regularly. I tend to my chins only before the buns in the am and after my shower in the evenings to try to prevent exposure. I hope you don't...
  19. ilovehome

    Pedigree program

    I've used Kintracks, global pedigree and Bunny trails because I have a Mac. My favorite because it is easy to use is Bunny trail. They either already have or will have one that works on phones??
  20. ilovehome

    Rabbit Talk Mini Convention at Saturday's Cajun Classic

    I was there and missed this opportunity... :(