It depends on who you will be selling them to. Cals and NZ's are probably the best to sell as meat pens to 4-H kids, but occasionally they like to have something different. They are probably the easiest to sell to people just starting home meat production because they are the most common commercial breeds and the ones that they have most likely heard of.
If selling them is secondary to personal meat production, I would get the breed that appeals to you the most. I would recommend attending a show so you can see the various breeds in person.
I raise Rex and Satins for meat and show. The Rex don't grow as fast as the Satins, but they also don't eat as much.
The Satins I have are meat bricks, but they are more high strung than my Rex. One of the lines especially are like the rabbit version of a thoroughbred horse temperament wise, whereas my Rex are all pretty laid back.
I also raised Beveren rabbits, but have recently gotten out of them so I can concentrate my focus on the Rex and Satins. They were good producers, with very friendly kits. They are very large rabbits though, so need big cages.