New Rabbitry

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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2012
Reaction score
Coushatta, Louisiana
Built there Rabbitry today. Its 16' X 8'. I built a 25" wide run of 2X4X16' along the back wall to set the cages on. I used privacy fence panels I bought from Lowes forth exterior walls. The back 4' above the cages has a roof over the cages. I know in the pic the roof runs at a angle but due to my land grade I decided to keep it that way for water shed. I have to pick up 2 more panels tomorrow to complete the front and install a gate. you want be able to see the roof running at the angle once the front labels are in place unless you are in the Rabbitry. Now for a few questions.

1. Should I put plastic on the walls around the cages to keep from the wood soaking up urine and stinking?

2. Any ideas on keeping the cages in place? Bungies etc. Want them to be removable for cleaning.

3. I work a month on and month off out of country. My wife will be feeding and watering while I'm away. How can I keep any smells to a minimum?


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Looking great, Duckcomando! :razz: They will be nice and cozy in there, but the spaces between the pickets should give you the ventilation you need. I think I see spaces?

It would be good to do the front mostly in wire, I believe. This would be the arrangement we have. Three picket sides and one wire side. It gives good ventilation and lets the breezes in somewhat in the summer (which, of course, is 8 months long down here). We have put visqueen over the wire for the winter, nailing it up with 1x2. This keeps the cold wind out, and keeps the warmth in the rabbitry, but the pickets still allow ventilation.

If you do the front in pickets too, I don't know... maybe it wouldn't get hotter in there than with wire. :thinking: I am not sure.

I have 2x4 wire, two thicknesses. I saw somebody else's that had two thicknesses, and one was on the outside, and one was on the inside, so they were separated by 4". Brilliant, wish I'd thought of it. :lol:

Pickets would be secure, though.

Duckcomando":3f65061i said:
1. Should I put plastic on the walls around the cages to keep from the wood soaking up urine and stinking?
I don't have it, but it wouldn't be a bad idea. I'm looking at adding it.

Duckcomando":3f65061i said:
2. Any ideas on keeping the cages in place? Bungies etc. Want them to be removable for cleaning.
Mine are hung with chain. My beloved Shay opened up links enough to slip the cage wire onto them, so they're hooked on. They can be removed.

Duckcomando":3f65061i said:
3. I work a month ob and month off out of country. My wife will be feeding and watering while I'm away. How can I keep any smells to a minimum?
There are several things you can do. A "deep bed" system of litter is supposed to absorb and neutralize smells. I plan to get some horse bedding pellets to use under my cages soon, like about 6" worth of it (expanded). You can also use pine shavings. No cedar, though... it's toxic to rabbits. You shovel and replace the deep bed litter two or three times a year.

Stall-Dri is a mix of diatomaceous earth and other stuff that neutralizes smells. You can even put down a layer of garden lime.
Wow! Looks good so far! Miss M gave you lots of great info already to help you and your wife with your Rabbitry. Look forward to seeing the finished project.

Duckcomando":rfbw5mwt said:
Built there Rabbitry today. Its 16' X 8'. I built a 25" wide run of 2X4X16' along the back wall to set the cages on. I used privacy fence panels I bought from Lowes forth exterior walls. The back 4' above the cages has a roof over the cages. I know in the pic the roof runs at a angle but due to my land grade I decided to keep it that way for water shed. I have to pick up 2 more panels tomorrow to complete the front and install a gate. you want be able to see the roof running at the angle once the front labels are in place unless you are in the Rabbitry. Now for a few questions.

1. Should I put plastic on the walls around the cages to keep from the wood soaking up urine and stinking?
They sell a product called "PolyWall" at Home Depot and it will last much longer than sheet plastic. You can screw it onto the fence very easily. Or, you could put several coats of Kilz, followed by a semi-gloss enamel shed walls2.jpg

Duckcomando":rfbw5mwt said:
2. Any ideas on keeping the cages in place? Bungies etc. Want them to be removable for cleaning.
I would suggest hanging them. If you set them on that wood, it will absorb urine and poop will pile on it and it will be harder to clean. We have found that chain or plastic coated Galvanized wire works best.0610121945a.jpgrabbit setup4.jpg

Duckcomando":rfbw5mwt said:
3. I work a month ob and month off out of country. My wife will be feeding and watering while I'm away. How can I keep any smells to a minimum?
Just let the poop fall to the ground. The urine will soak into the ground and the poop will not me, we have this setup now, and even in the hottest part of the summer, it did not stink at all.
Thanks for the ideas. I worked on it some more today but not quite finished. I took the advice and rebuilt the cage area so the cages can be hung instead of sitting on wood. I got the front panel on and started on the gate. I packed up some peat moss and pine much to mix in the soil under the cages to help absorb the urine. I will get some lime and mix in after the first month. more pics to come. Tomorrow I will hang the cages and gate. I will clean the cages with clorox and water since they are used and need some disinfecting. hopefully I will be shopping around for bunnies this weekend.
Duckcomando":2apnvkuq said:
I will clean the cages with clorox and water

Be sure to rinse them thoroughly with plain water- bleach dries to a salt, which will rust the cage wire.
Hi Duckcomando,

Nice setup! I am just about done with getting my new sheds completed. I went with 2"x6" stringers and topped with pieces of hog panel cut to size and fastened with fencing steeples as I didn't want hanging cages with the high winds we can get here in Oklahoma.

As for the deep pile litter, I use that system out here and while there is no odor, the manure flies still come for it. I have found that layering with straw helps with that ... by the time I rake that up, the urine has started to decompose the straw and it is easy to sift the pellets from the straw if you want ... personally, for my gardens, I just toss the straw along with the pellets as I also use a thick grass mulch and the straw doesn't "stick out" :D

For being in LA, air flow in the summer will be a bigger issue for you than winter cold. However, you also have plenty of wind/rain year round to contend with. Perhaps you might want to set up either a clear plastic or tarp drape over the front that can be lowered to protect the rabbits from blowing rain.
AnnClaire":20wruefr said:
Hi Duckcomando,

Nice setup! I am just about done with getting my new sheds completed. I went with 2"x6" stringers and topped with pieces of hog panel cut to size and fastened with fencing steeples as I didn't want hanging cages with the high winds we can get here in Oklahoma.

As for the deep pile litter, I use that system out here and while there is no odor, the manure flies still come for it. I have found that layering with straw helps with that ... by the time I rake that up, the urine has started to decompose the straw and it is easy to sift the pellets from the straw if you want ... personally, for my gardens, I just toss the straw along with the pellets as I also use a thick grass mulch and the straw doesn't "stick out" :D

For being in LA, air flow in the summer will be a bigger issue for you than winter cold. However, you also have plenty of wind/rain year round to contend with. Perhaps you might want to set up either a clear plastic or tarp drape over the front that can be lowered to protect the rabbits from blowing rain.

Here in SE Texas, we naturally have a lot of Black Soldier Flies, but you can order the larvae and seed your piles with them...they will eat the normal maggots. And the tarp is a great idea!
Well I finished the Rabbitry. I have everything I need now except stock. I will find out from a friend of mine if he will have a trio I can get from him Monday. If not then the hunt will be on for bunnies. I have attached some pics. I put the privacy fence panels on so they can be removed in the summer to aid with the heat. I also added a nice bed of Peat Moss and Pine Bark under the cages to hopefully keep the smells to a minimum. I have hay and feed ready and also have the vanilla ready for the water. I decided to rebuild the rabbitry to hang my cages instead of sit them on baords. That is what took so long for me to update. I still haven't put the plastic on the back wall to avoid the urine soaking the wood. I will do that sometime this weekend before Monday. Since I live on Grand Bayou I'm thinking of calling it Grand Bayou Rabbitry. Let me know what you all think of the project.


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Ohh, I wish you could come help me :cheesysmile:

Looking good! Good luck on the bunnies ... did you say what breed you are looking at?
Really turned out good! Thanks for sharing the "start to finish" pics.

Hoping to hear those cages are filled with good stock soon.

Welcome to the forum. Looks like a real nice setup. One thing you might want to think about would be adding a single strand electric fence around the bottom of your fence to discourage critters from digging under or climbing over it. It could be put about 4 inches above ground with some plastic supports. A small fence charger doesn't cost very if you have electricity run to your rabbitry. It might not be necessary but thought I would mention it.
Beekeeper10":34i50ut5 said:
Welcome to the forum. Looks like a real nice setup. One thing you might want to think about would be adding a single strand electric fence around the bottom of your fence to discourage critters from digging under or climbing over it. It could be put about 4 inches above ground with some plastic supports. A small fence charger doesn't cost very if you have electricity run to your rabbitry. It might not be necessary but thought I would mention it.

Thanks for the idea. We have a few neighborhood dogs around that are friednly. I am hoping they will keep the critters at bay. In not I will definetly do the fence idea.

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