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  1. Shelbers91

    Happy Birthday Kyle@theheathertoft!!

    Better late then never! :D
  2. Shelbers91

    Craigslist Ad? Redone!! Whatcha think now?:D

    Thank you :D also the pic posted doesn't have the fork and spoon lol jeeze had no one else ever used Giant flatware to mix any type of substrate? Haha. Hermit crabs can live past their 20's if kept in proper conditions. They need heat from 72-85 degrees ferinheight (sp?) fresh water, salt...
  3. Shelbers91

    caught salmonella from the sick hedgehogs

    Yup. Harrison's ^^ I do the same thing. People think I am weird when I get my bird something and eat it first. Lol but hey if I get sick they could too (crappy pellet brand or seed brand) I heard there was a recall on vitae brand. ... almonella/ but I have...
  4. Shelbers91

    caught salmonella from the sick hedgehogs

    Eww lol well it could have been worse :) I don't think my bird food has salmonella. Probably as long as its used up in time. It gets used up in a week then I pull more from the freezer. It's all certified organic and has nothing in it we wouldn't eat which it should at freaking $10 a pound lol
  5. Shelbers91

    A day of opposites.

    I'm so sorry.. -hugs- I think it is ok for you to wait. I would probably try to do he same thing. However who knows if i would succeed. Very thoughtful of you though. Congratulations though with Reggie! Graduation is a big step! Now he can go out into the big wide world and search for his new...
  6. Shelbers91

    Happy Birthday Kyle@theheathertoft!!

    -hugs back- ^^ sorry for the delayed hug lol!
  7. Shelbers91

    Who wants duckies?

    Oh fiddlesticks.. Lol
  8. Shelbers91

    Who wants duckies?

    Nobody wants them? Look how cute they are! I know many of you have farms lol
  9. Shelbers91

    Videos of my new Equadorian! ^^

    Wow nice vivarium! Can't wait to see the pics! Hermit crab habitats are fun to make. The big thing with substrate now is 1 part EE to 5 parts sand. So I have 1 block of EE with 50lbs of sand in my 29g. Though I have just EE mixed with miss in my iSO right now. The 1:5 ratio is suppositly closest...
  10. Shelbers91

    Videos of my new Equadorian! ^^

    They do. I just impulse bought another E so Michelangelo would have a species buddy. It's a bit larger which I didn't really want larger.. Sigh. Came in the most ridiculous shell I have ever seen in my life. That Walmart thing is so sad. Mine never had those luckily. They aren't even aquatic...
  11. Shelbers91

    Happy Birthday Kyle@theheathertoft!!

    Happy happy birthday! Happy birthday to youuuuuu happy happy birthday! Hope ya have a great one too!! :D :happybday2u: :explode: :happybday2u: :hbd:
  12. Shelbers91

    Who wants duckies?

    My friend got a couple roan ducks/mallards in at his parrot rescue and he has enough non parrot birds as it is. These birds are quite friendly and very imprinted on people. I would prefer them to go to a home that doesn't eat them for dinner just because they are so imprinted. They would be...
  13. Shelbers91

    Videos of my new Equadorian! ^^

    I got an Equadorian hermit crab on Sunday and he seems to be doing well. This is my first Equadorian but I have had purple pinchers for about 6 years now. Here is my new baby just crawlin around And here he is letting me feed him! Look at those mouthparts! Eeep...
  14. Shelbers91

    caught salmonella from the sick hedgehogs

    Oh so it's only released when they are stressed? Hmm. Well I worry about my birds safety more then mine which is why I don't mouth feed him often. But he will pester me forever sometimes untill I give in lol I have played in the dirt alot as a kid with all kinda wild critters so I probably have...
  15. Shelbers91

    Happy Birthday Hoodat!!!

    Happy happy birthday!! :D
  16. Shelbers91

    caught salmonella from the sick hedgehogs

    Oh goodness I hope you feel better soon! Thank you for the reminder. My cockatiel always nags me to regurgitate for him for some reason. (I don't do it often for his health reasons) but he normally won't eat the pellets unless its strait from mama. Wetness isn't a factor since I tried dampening...
  17. Shelbers91

    Craigslist Ad? Redone!! Whatcha think now?:D

    Lol!! I was using them to mix the substrate together an didnt take them out before the pic. I will take another picture tonight since it will be done with crabs in it and update my ad for the zillionth time. I got one person text me but I think it was someone tryin to get me to download a virus...
  18. Shelbers91

    Craigslist Ad? Redone!! Whatcha think now?:D

    I updated my add with the breeding thing etc if you wana recheck it out. There is one person in the HCA that I have heard has bred them from nymph to adult but only a couple made it and they have enough money to spend on such a system. And I am downsizing for a couple months so I am using the...
  19. Shelbers91

    Craigslist Ad? Redone!! Whatcha think now?:D

    Thank you :D as of yet it is nearly impossible for tem to breed in captivity (and I am not spending a gajillion dollars to try and recreate the ocean lol) but I guess many don't know they are taken directly from te wild so that is a good idea. And you are right! They do live in large colonies...
  20. Shelbers91

    Things only rabbit people would understand!

    Lol! I say that to Buster sometimes! She is an English budgie so with more feathers she gets a lot of dingleberries! :lol: Now none of this involves rabbits since I don't have any yet but it's still similar I guess. Bird people thing "Oh my goodness look at that poops!" I say when I am happy...