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  1. LadyKarli

    I pretty much give up.

    I think I am going to do just that. Just breed the Mini rex for a bit & get some meat rabbits later on. I really want some silver fox so I might pick up a pair later. I am just sad my NZ reds did not do better.
  2. LadyKarli

    I pretty much give up.

    SO I tried for a year to get these rabbits doing good with Many setbacks right away. I am now down to 4 NZ & 2 blue eyed minirex. I am about to sell the ZN cause they will NOT breed. I honestly tried everything. I will try some Mini rex when they come of age. If nothing comes of that I give up...
  3. LadyKarli

    Should I be worried

    Here is the link to see him faint :)
  4. LadyKarli

    kids these days...

    Pull the plug. It is amazing how much you get done without all the electric crap frying your brain & PB&J is our rout too!
  5. LadyKarli

    Should I be worried

    I have a young buck about 12 weeks old I want to keep cause he is SO docile & tame. He is fine except when he looks straight up. Then he falls backward like he died! TIMBER!!!!! Like a log. Boom. & then he lays there on his back all 4 legs in the air like a cartoon rabbit in rigor! When you put...
  6. LadyKarli

    What is this plant?

    DONT EAT IT! there is something that grows that is in the tomato family that is very poisonous! It took over my garden. Good thing I knew I did not plant any tomatoes that color! Carolina Horsenettle (Solanum carolinense) is not a true nettle, but a member of the Solanaceae, or nightshade...
  7. LadyKarli

    Life is good

    He is really a bright light of a child :) He is having a chocolate chip cookie right now.
  8. LadyKarli

    Life is good

    Rabbits are doing good. 10 kits all doing great. Sold 5 rabbits in 1 day. Was kinda crazy. People just kept callin 1 after another. Just $10 meat rabbits but still cool. Opened up some cages so I could move things around a bit. Rabbits are loving the cool air. My 20 month old Son had to have his...
  9. LadyKarli

    Using tanned pelts

    How do you tan your pelts??
  10. LadyKarli

    Weed pictures

    Weed picture LOL! Thought I was on the wrong forum for a minute!
  11. LadyKarli


    Yep it is to teach families about gardening & raising your own food. From small container gardens to large crops! I think it is wonderful.
  12. LadyKarli

    Kits, Popples, and Bunny Pics!

    My Husband comes to see the rabbits about once a week & is always so shocked at how fast they go from pinkies to out of the nest running around :)
  13. LadyKarli


    Luna (my mean as poo NZ doe I always talk about) & Blaze my Gorgeous NZ red are both pregnant! Blaze looks like she is a blown up balloon! I started thinking she was just horrible bloated till I felt her belly. ( I have a tendency to worry...... A LOT.) Luna his huge too & I can't wait for some...
  14. LadyKarli

    "but your rabbit HAS to have a companion rabbit"

    My rabbit has a companion rabbit. IN THE CAGE NEXT TO HER!
  15. LadyKarli

    What do you think about this Mini Rex doe?

    Nah I am not showing but she better be pure bred! I have pedigree papers! Parents were Supposed to have come from some breeder called Berlena. Supposed to be known for her blue eyed Mini Rex.
  16. LadyKarli

    What do you think about this Mini Rex doe?

    She is sweet & that is the Husband LOL!<br /><br />__________ Sat Sep 22, 2012 1:07 pm __________<br /><br />He can't get enough of her LOL! I keep walking out to find her on his chest!
  17. LadyKarli

    What do you think about this Mini Rex doe?

    My new doe. She look good? I never had some pure bred Mini Rex & was wondering how she looks to the more experienced. her name is Chocolate & she is 7 1/2 wks.
  18. LadyKarli

    I lost a puppy today

    It is funny how something hits you right & brings you to tears. You know I am touched at how much losing 1 little puppy effects you. I would feel the same but a lot of people wouldn't. Please know good & bad come in cycles & what seems so hard now will just be a memory soon. The good comes. I...
  19. LadyKarli

    Help! Rapid Weight Loss & Death

    I lost 3 rabbits in a similar manner. Rapid weight loss & they just seemed to waste within a week & die! Pooping & eating normally. I tried ivermectin in case it was parasites but it did nothing. I got rid of everything they had touched or been near.
  20. LadyKarli

    Rabbit lunging at people

    Not very purple. Just slight purplish on sides I think.