yay!!! popples!!

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2014
Reaction score
North Dakota
It's been a little over a month since my last post. a lot has happened since then. I got moved from Colorado to North Dakota. My parents were supposed to bring me a breeding age buck and a buck and a doe kit. Well the breeder for the kits sold me a third kit for a great deal. But they weren't sexed because the breeder had just had a baby herself. Turned out all three kits ended up being bucks. so I have 4 pedigreed bucks and 2 pedigreed does. and a half chinchilla/half harlequin doe. I know I was supposed to keep them all separated. but I 100% trust the breeder I got the breeding age buck from. so the third day here I let the doe's and the buck run around the house together. first try the buck got Mollie pregnant and they weren't even caged together. I had to cage my doe Maggie with him for over a week before he finally was able to mate with her. Any way, My Harlequin Mollie gave birth to 8 kits either late last night or early this morning. I spent most the day over at my sisters house but had to go home to get migraine meds since I was no longer talking right and half my head and face were going numb. Decided to look in the nest box since she finally pulled fur for a nest yesterday afternoon. well the fur started moving. I washed my hands and then moved the fur. she had 8 babies!!! I didn't think to grab my camera before checking to see how many there are. So no pictures yet. I am thinking I might wait a week before taking pictures.

3 magpie's and 4 Japanese. One of the other kits died sometime between 3days to 10days. took them out yesterday and noticed one missing. guessing she ate it. how does everyone get their kits to stay still in a line for pictures? Mine are a bunch of wiggle worms.