Married or not, I have always been the butcherer. I have always also been the cook, the caretaker, and wage earner. The penny pincher and the saver. The gardener, the auto mechanic, the payer of bills, the signer of documents, and the maker of decisions, doer of laundry..... Now I am mostly just TIRED!
He took out the trash to the curb each week. And was annoyed about it every time.
My husband was mostly just expensive. He helped me once or twice when I had carpal tunnel surgery, and I had fresh sutures in my hands. He complained the whole time, and mostly avoided me while I kept working and doing all the normal chores.
I guess that is why I will probably stay single. I tried, but I have not had good luck. Alone is infinitely better than being with the wrong person. I can hire someone to lift heavy things, and I know how to use power tools.