Worried I did something dumb

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2013
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So, I heard that rabbits love parsley so I figured that I would give some to my evil bun and see if it changed her opinion of me.

She is due to kindle tomorrow, I have given her maybe 3 or 4 of the small twigs of parsley. I hadn't realized that parsley was an emmenagogue.

Do you think it will be similar to a mom drinking rasp leaf tea near her due date ( just aiding in working the uterus) or more like pictocin forcing it along?

She was bred but she was too nasty for me to palpitate ( I got her, bred) She used to be a 5 yr old's so her previous owner is pinning the aggression to the pregnancy
I don't know, is she acting ok? Since she's due tomorrow anyway, she's probably fine. Crossed fingers just in case. :)
Parsley is considered a very mild emmenagogue. I think you would have had to give her a LOT in order for it to have an effect.

I often give it to my does after they kindle to help contract the uterus.
Can't comment on the parsley, but pregnancy hormones can radically change a doe's personality.

I have the sweetest, snuggley mini-lop doe ever; unless she's expecting. Pregnant, she wants nothing to do with me, and will defend her hutch aggressively. She launched herself at me and chomped my arm, a few days before she gave birth! Now that they're weaned, she's back to her cuddly old self.

Don't be too hard on momma, she might be a real sweetie once her hormones settle down.
You would have to feed a ton of most vegetables or herbs to have any real impact. It's generally only a concern when someone is feeding a natural diet consisting of lots of fresh fodder instead of pellets and hay. Lots of does go hormonal during at least part of the pregnancy and some will get aggressive for awhile after moving to a new home. Combine the 2 and you frequently get a standoffish or outright aggressive rabbit. Give her time to see if she calms down. Oats, cheerios, or plain wheat cereal make good neutral treats since most of those ingredients can be found in pellets.

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