Winston needs prayers

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Cindi Davis

Well-known member
Apr 3, 2012
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:( :( Winston is my 12is old Yellow lab. He is a rescue Ive had for almost 7 yrs
I found a glob/mass nasty looking thing on his ear. Took to the vet who did not seem so concerned at the time about it. But now we are going back tuesday as it is looking really nasty and is bleeding. This to me does not bode well for him. He's an old man and full of personality, but is having trouble getting around easily. IF and only IF this proves to be cancer then I do not have much of a choice but to let him go. Its going to be hard but I feel its for the best for him,I do not want him to suffer. So.... Im hoping and praying myself that its just a blog of stuff and not cancer.
:( :(<br /><br />__________ Sun Sep 30, 2012 1:35 pm __________<br /><br />


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So sorry to hear about Winston. Soft spot for labs myself. Will keep Winston in our thoughts and will watch to see how it goes on Tuesday when you post. Fingers crossed.

Hoping this is something that can be treated. :clover: :clover: :clover:

We had a German Shorthair Pointer when I was growing up. Jager eventually got cancer and I know how hard it is to make the decision to put down a beloved dog. But it was the final kindness we could give him.
Even if it IS cancer, on the ear it might be removeable, and perhaps not metastacized. Will keep you in our thoughts. My sweet Saiorse is mixed Spitz and Lab, she guards the bunnies as if they were her pups!
Hope it is a hematoma (spelling?). They're pretty common on ears and a simple surgery to fix.
Poor Winston!

Hopefully it is something that can be easily removed. If his bloodwork is good, and he is a good candidate for anesthesia, I would recommend you have a dental done at the same time if he needs one. My vet always does a free nail trim while they are under as well.
It sounds to me like a leaky wart and if it is it's no big deal but shame on your vet for not explaining better. I have literally tons of old dog clients that have them.
This sounds awful but if it looks like a brain it's most likely a wart (not a virus wart) just a skin tag sort of thing that old dogs get and some not so old. They're usually benign, even the leaky ones.
3mina that sounds like a plausable explination. Yes he should have explained it better so I dont get so stressed over things like that. Oh well will find out tomorrow :)
MSD not a bad idea LOL if he can do the anesthisia<br /><br />__________ Tue Oct 02, 2012 9:20 am __________<br /><br />
MaggieJ":2lmvpuol said:
Hoping this is something that can be treated. :clover: :clover: :clover:

We had a German Shorthair Pointer when I was growing up. Jager eventually got cancer and I know how hard it is to make the decision to put down a beloved dog. But it was the final kindness we could give him.
MaggieJ I absolutly agree with that, why make them suffer for our feelings?
My old GSD girl had cancer and it had consumed most of her internal organs. She didnt even act sick, she ate and played with the best of em till one day I noticed she was laying funny and not breathing to well. Well I kinda knew deep down what it was but didnt want to be right . I had her PTS the same day as the diagnosis. There were really no options for her at this point