Well, I'm off to Wichita! The room is reserved, got maps and directions, taking 12 to show - 7 will be first time juniors. The other 5 are right at the jr/intermediate age and while half of them could still legally be shown as juniors, they have all been entered as intermediates.
Planning on attending the specialty show tonight, and both shows on Saturday. Took off work today and Monday and making a long weekend out of it. Hoping for some GC legs. Wish me well. See you fellow RT'ers there! I'll be the blonde with the English Lops!<br /><br />__________ Sun Jun 09, 2013 9:05 pm __________<br /><br />Well, we're back! All in one piece, and 1 bunny more than we left with.
I was disappointed in the motel, and the show itself, but we won't go into that.
Fri night was the specialty show. Won BOV, BOSV and BOSB.
Sat was spent with Barton's Big Bunnies most of the day. Good company and enjoyed it a lot. First show, the judge and I obviously had a difference of opinion on type. Won BOV but went no further.
Second show was much the same as the specialty show. Won BOV, BOSV and BOSB, but with different rabbits.
The same REW Sr Buck won both the specialty and last show. I had never met the breeder, but putting hands on the bunny was a joy. I was able to trade him a nice young broken doe and some cash for a son of the BOB buck and a solid REW doe. I am really short on solids and was very pleased to get them.
Ate a great steak at a nice family restaurant, then drove around and enjoyed the architecture in downtown.
All in all it was a nice time. AnnClaire, I didn't see you there, but maybe I missed you...? There were lots of fuzzy rabbits there.
Pretty sure I won legs for the BOSV, but not positive. Completely unsure about the BOV's. I really need to get more up-to-date on what will get me those. There were plenty of breeders and rabbits, but maybe not for varieties.
Last show until fall. Just gotta keep those bunnies cool this summer now.