Who is going to Anderson, Missouri 2/22?

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I'd thought about it. Until I pulled it up on MapQuest. It's on the opposite side of the state. My back can't take sitting in a car that long.

Yes, I will be going too. Taking a few elops, and maybe a flop. Of course, the elop doe I was excited about taking gnawed on the tip of her other ear yesterday.. sigh.... And the Giant chin doe I wanted to take doesn't quite weight 13 lbs yet, so she won't be going either. But I will go to have fun!
:( :( :( Sorry to hear that. I was looking forward to seeing lots of elop people this time. I have been the only one at Anderson in the past. Hopefully, we can have lots of elops at Skiatook.
I was there, and the place was packed to the gill flexors. 4,000 rabbits between 2 open and 2 youth shows, and it was still going when I left shortly after 6 p.m.

Thankfully, they are relocating the show to a bigger facility in Mount Vernon next February. I'll miss the Anderson setup because it was closer than most of the shows I travel to, but won't miss how hard it was to move around in that building yesterday. A bigger venue is a smart move, especially when one considers what kind of a mad house that place was.
Wow! Mt Vernon is a lot further for me, but I can understand the need for a larger venue.
I had every intention of going, even had the room reserved, but the wind storm that came thru earlier in the week dropped a rather large branch thru my front porch, and unfortunately home care came before rabbit showing.

ilovehome, sorry I missed you. I was told another elop breeder from the Tulsa area would also be there, so hopefully things worked out for someone. We'll get to meet up at some point. I intend to be in Skiatook and Haskell as well.
It was only the Kamms and me in the ELs this year. Fortunately, one of the buns was their grandchild's so we may have enough for legs. Still, it is more fun with more people there! But like Satins said, I'm not sure where anyone else would have fit! I was stepping over and moving cages to get to my own buns. Also got blocked in because of the inadequate parking due to construction. I'm glad they are moving it next year. I think the new location should be less than an hour further. I hope to make Skiatook next month, so maybe I will see you there.
ILH, we are having a show in Benton, AR (25 miles south of Little Rock) on March 22nd, the week before Skiatook. Giant Chins are sanctioned, and we'd love to have you guys come down for what is shaping up to be a rather large first show for a newly chartered club.
I will definitely be at Benton--Looking forward to the new AR show! But I decided not to go to Skiatook this year as hubs in flying home from work that weekend.
Wheels, nothing wrong with that. I remember the feeling all too well. From the way it's looking right now, we're going to have a full house.