Mary Ann's Rabbitry":6ybspzms said:
It might of been fine at her house but the stress of moving it. That means it isnt going to be a good breeder off the bat. It stress out to easy.
The P word or not, that's what it means to me.
__________ Sun Sep 16, 2012 6:19 pm __________
I agree with Ladysown. I do all kinds of insane things to my rabbits-- let dogs in the rabbitry, breed back to back, switch feeds, dust the barn with DE, lime, clean tubs with vinegar, bleach, pinesol, change food too frequently, run out of food for a week, change to different types of hay, weaned early, switched up cages, taken kits to school. I'm always trying something to kill the flies that won't kill my buns. I've pretty much put them under quite a bit of stress, trying to work out kinks in my best practices for this rabbitry. So far, none of the adult rabbits have so much as sneezed, and the kits I have lost to anything other than cold on the wire, were all from the same doe, and I just culled her. I brought back a 4 month old holland lop 6 hrs from PA, and who knows how long she was in the car from NJ, she was at the show, handed off to who knows what, spent a few days in the carrier because I had no place to put her. Not a problem from her. She is only holland doe to have live litters.
Stress is not a good reason to blow white snot.