I know that with all animals when they start to get older they often loose condition and it shows, no matter how much they eat or lounge around. I just find myself wondering when is the right time with our older buns to let them cross naturally or if we should help them. I ask and wonder this as my favorite bun Tiny, who turned 7 yesterday, has slowed down over this last winter and as I went to move him over to the new rabbitry area I felt that he has lost most of his condition. He has still been eating and drinking well up until yesterday. He nibbled just a little bit of the fresh pasture grass I put into his cage and has not touched his water bottles at all since 4pm yesterday. The pasture grasses all withered and untouched over night. I have spent the last hour and a half trying to get him to eat or drink anything. He still has tummy sounds, still letting out smaller poops and is peeing a little stronger than his normal smell but is refusing everything. I even tried letting him down in the fenced yard, where I have both pasture grasses and the wild weeds that I cut and feed to them every few days, he just kind of sniffed around then ignored them.