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    • ida1416
      ida1416 replied to the thread Buck filling feed bowl with pee.
      Many of my rabbits like to go in their food bowls. No matter the location in the cage. It's frustrating but I just accept that some need...
    • ida1416
      ida1416 replied to the thread When is it time? Older Rabbits.
      I've learned any time a rabbit skips a meal to check their waterer. It's usually the culprit. Thirsty rabbits wont eat.
    • ida1416
      ida1416 replied to the thread Struggling With Heavy Losses.
      Some does just arent cut out for it. It's always good to see people working on keeping up the more rare breeds, good work!
    • ida1416
      ida1416 reacted to Chaos's post in the thread Struggling With Heavy Losses with Like Like.
      They were all dead this morning. I'll give her 1 more chance in 6 weeks to breed. If that doesn't work I got an American Blue doe to...
    • ida1416
      ida1416 replied to the thread Struggling With Heavy Losses.
      It can definitely throw the mom off and distract her from the kits especially if shes particularly sensitive or a new mom. Have you...
    • ida1416
      ida1416 replied to the thread A sudden loss.
      Thank you this is helpful!
    • ida1416
      ida1416 reacted to ladysown's post in the thread A sudden loss with Like Like.
      if all your rabbits are housed in the same building, with the same air flow and care I would NOT disinfect basically clean cages between...
    • ida1416
      ida1416 replied to the thread A sudden loss.
      Thank you for your advice and sharing your story. It helped me feel less guilty. I'm sorry about Cinnabun. Some does just cant handle...
    • ida1416
      ida1416 reacted to Her Farmstead Rabbitry's post in the thread A sudden loss with Like Like.
      I'm sorry for your loss! I hate it when the favorite ones die. I would disinfect the cages when swapping or even just routinely.
    • ida1416
      ida1416 reacted to eco2pia's post in the thread A sudden loss with Like Like.
      I am so sorry for your loss. I would not disinfect cages beyond the basic sort of cleaning off any accumulated crustiness that I would...
    • ida1416
      ida1416 replied to the thread Is there a market for rabbits?.
      You may also find the color "frosty" or "ermine" or "pointed" (depending on who you ask) to be intriguing if you like white rabbits but...
    • ida1416
      ida1416 replied to the thread Is there a market for rabbits?.
      Definitely choose a pet breed if you arent interested in meat. Not only do some people dislike the pink eyes of white new zealands (I...
    • ida1416
      ida1416 replied to the thread Struggling With Heavy Losses.
      I always say breeding animals isnt for the faint of heart. It will make you doubt everything. Especially when multiple losses come in a...
    • ida1416
      I lost one of my favorites today. My first homebred lionhead buck. He was six months and going to start his breeding career soon. He was...
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    • ida1416
      Funny thing about that is my does that are my breeding stock I don’t eat I allow them to live out their life with the heard as I keep my...
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