What's wrong?

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May 30, 2014
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Hey guys. I need some advice. Something is wrong with my kit! Yesterday the runt of the litter died and then today something is wrong with another one. Maybe the mom stepped on it on accident or something. I don't think it got to hot but maybe so. Here is a couple of pics:


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I am so sorry you lost a kit! Sometimes, the runts just don't do well, despite all we do to help them. But, if another kit isn't doing well, maybe something has happened or isn't right.

Are the kits all eating, drinking and pooping well? How is the one that isn't doing well behaving? How hot is it there? Has anything in the rabbitry changed- new feed, new greens, anything? If you can give us some more information, we will try and help you figure this out.

It's possible it's injured, or it could be something like mucoid enteropathy. But that doesn't usually show up until weaning.

If you can answer Marinea's questions as well as possible, maybe we can help figure something out.
Honestly, the kit you posted looks to be already dead or mostly gone. If it is still alive I fear there may not be much you can do to save it.

If it was mine, and I thought it had a chance, I would try dropper feeding a small amount of pedialyte and making sure it stayed warm (but not too warm!) while you try to discover the cause to avoid losing any more kits.

Make sure that all the rabbits are in a shaded and well ventilated area. If the weather is terribly hot or humid you can supply them with a bottle of frozen water to help them keep cool. Do they have good clean hay to help them transition onto solid food? Many people believe that it's not necessary, but I personally feel that it helps.

Have any kits had messy bottoms or signs of diarrhea? Also, check the doe for signs of mastitis or drying up.
Do her teats feel hard or swollen? Drying up is harder to see. I have noticed that most of my does only fill up with milk an hour or two before nursing. If you know when she usually nurses, check her about an hour before that time to see if she is full of milk, and afterwards to make sure all of her teats being getting emptied.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your kit, Bunnikin! :cry: I read about it in your mom's thread.

I hope the rest of your baby buns thrive. Do they seem to still be doing well?
I'm sorry you lost that kit and the runt Bunnikin!! :( I can't see anything else that he might have had other than what has already been suggested. Hope you have better luck on your other bunnies. Keep us posted.
Thank you for your sympathy. I'm learning that this is the not so fun part of being a rabbit breeder. :cry: Miss M, if you are talking about RoosterMania that is my dad. :oops: :lol:

Oops, i just realized I'm on under my dad's handle. :oops:
RoosterMania":3cosi8xu said:
Thank you for your sympathy. I'm learning that this is the not so fun part of being a rabbit breeder. :cry:
Yes, part of owning animals is being responsible enough to put an animal down when necessary. Not fun for any of us, but it is good that you are learning to do this now. Many people never get it, and their animals suffer because of it.

RoosterMania":3cosi8xu said:
Miss M, if you are talking about RoosterMania that is my dad. :oops: :lol:
OOPS!!! :oops: :oops: :oops:

In my defense, a non-specific ID + no indication in his profile or posts = me hazarding a guess! :p Since there are more women on RT than men, I figured the odds were in my favor. Oh, well! :lol: Please pass on an apology to your dad for me! :oops:

RoosterMania":3cosi8xu said:
Oops, i just realized I'm on under my dad's handle. :oops:
:lol: I've accidentally posted under my kids' IDs on occasion. :roll: