What wire, where to buy?

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Well-known member
May 24, 2012
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Pretty sure now that mum bought the wrong stuff. The farm & feed stores only carry 1/2"x1" in 16 gauge - I've already forked up the money for it and built some cages...then discovered that it sure sags a lot under my big mama rabbit. :evil: Had to prop it up with a cat litter tub and a scrap piece of 2x4 just to feel safe about it...
So if not this 16 gauge - what SHOULD I use? Are Pet Lodge J-clips even okay?
Hi Nyctra,

I can't help with the source you need, but I have run into the same issue with the local suppliers here ... they carry the 1/2"x1" in 16 gauge and the 1"x2" in 14 gauge?????? So, the lighter wire on the bottom and the heavier wire on the top? Someone doesn't know what they are doing!
You need 14 gauge, only problem is that all stores sell only 16. Online they sell 14, dumb as rocks.
You can buy metal poles that hold up cage flooring, they are very cheap and easy to add.
I use TSC clips, easy to put on. The farm store clips here are stupid, they never go on with the special pliers. I have to bend the end and then the top, then clip the bottom first, then the top over it, all with flat/needle nose pliers. Takes a lot longer, but I guess they may last longer...idk.
I bought a roll from Klubertanz, and it is bee-yoo-tee-ful! I haven't worked with it yet, but I am eager to make my growout pens with it. I bought j-clips from them as well.
Most of my floors are 30 inch, 16 gauge wire. 14 gauge is heavier but a bear to cut. What are the dimensions of your cage?

Buy some floor spreaders and install them. Klubertanz is the place to get most of your materials.

Those light J-clips you buy from most local outlets aren't hardly worth the effort to use. Get the heavy-duty J-clips and a good pair of J-clip pliers.

Joe n TN":27g5n07z said:
Who is Klubertanz and does someone have a contact number, website or something of that nature? Thanks,

I'm not sure about the "S" in the name, Sky. http://www.klubertanz.com

Type the name into your search engine....they're either in Minnesota or Wisconson....can't remember which. They've got an online catalog and you can order a "hard-copy" supply catalog from them.

grumpy":3pbxnbn0 said:
Joe n TN":3pbxnbn0 said:
Who is Klubertanz and does someone have a contact number, website or something of that nature? Thanks,

I'm not sure about the "S" in the name, Sky. http://www.klubertanz.com

Type the name into your search engine....they're either in Minnesota or Wisconson....can't remember which. They've got an online catalog and you can order a "hard-copy" supply catalog from them.


the link works when you click on it. I copied and pasted it right off of the website.

Oh, you must have caught it right before I went back and edited it ;)
I have so called "baby saver" wire from my local feed store and yesterday I found a two day old new Zealand baby on the floor luckly baby is fine and had not been there long but how it fell on the floor is a mystery so no matter what your wire some one is going to find a way out I sware Rabbits are worse then pigs when escaping
rittert3":3109btrm said:
BASS is another one very similar to Klubertanz

The problem with Bass is that they put 16-gauge wire on the floors. Very flimsy if you're raising a breed which routinely gets larger than 5-6 lbs when they reach adulthood.

I've learned to split the difference by ordering precut cages. It reduces the amount of time and wasted wire, not to mention the number of callouses and blisters. ;)
SatinsRule":n0tyert9 said:
rittert3":n0tyert9 said:
BASS is another one very similar to Klubertanz

The problem with Bass is that they put 16-gauge wire on the floors. Very flimsy if you're raising a breed which routinely gets larger than 5-6 lbs when they reach adulthood.

I've learned to split the difference by ordering precut cages. It reduces the amount of time and wasted wire, not to mention the number of callouses and blisters. ;)

I'll second the callouses and blisters. But, rest assured, you're paying for the wasted ends. It's all figured into the price, plus the labor to cut it.

Bass is somewhat higher in overall pricing. Yet, you may well save on the difference due to the distance from Klubertanz for shipping. Bass is more centrally located. Just need to do some investigative work in finding out.

toastedoat37":2w4a9s2w said:
Ive found that a pair of 8 inch long mini bolt cutters work quite well to cut tough wire. I got mine at ace hardware for 13 dollars.

but that doesn't stop the blisters.
I love the idea of making my own cages, but after the first 15 holes, i like the idea of not having arthritis in ten years too.
grumpy":38x7inlw said:
SatinsRule":38x7inlw said:
rittert3":38x7inlw said:
BASS is another one very similar to Klubertanz

The problem with Bass is that they put 16-gauge wire on the floors. Very flimsy if you're raising a breed which routinely gets larger than 5-6 lbs when they reach adulthood.

I've learned to split the difference by ordering precut cages. It reduces the amount of time and wasted wire, not to mention the number of callouses and blisters. ;)

I'll second the callouses and blisters. But, rest assured, you're paying for the wasted ends. It's all figured into the price, plus the labor to cut it.

Bass is somewhat higher in overall pricing. Yet, you may well save on the difference due to the distance from Klubertanz for shipping. Bass is more centrally located. Just need to do some investigative work in finding out.


Granted, there is wasted wire every time you make a cut, but in the end, if you're not particularly careful as you go along, you'll waste far more wire doing so yourself than someone who cuts a rather large amount of it on a daily basis.

My cages from Klubertanz wound up costing me less than the ones I bought from Bass, and Bass is several hundred miles closer to me. What's more, the Bass cages were made with "galvanized before weld" wire, had galvanized sheet metal dropping pans, and had no guards on the openings for the cage doors. The Klubertanz cages were made with "galvanized after weld" wire, had the door guards, and came with Dura Trays. Maybe it's just me, but I feel I've gotten far more for my money with Klubertanz, and it's why I've ordered most of my cages from them.
If youve never used the mini bolt cutters, give them a try, its well worth the money. My wrists and hands dont have the strength they used to have,i actualy have to wear braces on both hands at night some times , and have giving up trying to do some jobs i used to do. The mini bold cutters are built so that they have added leverage , you dont have to to be near as strong to use them. I got mine when i was working with some heavy stainless steel wire ,making hooks for bate boxes in commercial crab pots. I could only cut a few dozen and my hands just couldnt do anymore , the bolt cutters made it easy.

The other day i used them to cut some half inch fence staples when i was reclaiming some half inch wire from shelves i used to use in my green house. I was able to easily snip the staples holding the wire to the wood frames with out damaging the half inch wire at all.Would be especialy good for anyone having to rebuild some wood frame hutches.