What is making you happy about your rabbits right now?

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
Reaction score
South River, Ontario
I so enjoy having the rabbits~ just going out and visiting them when the urge strikes :lol:

Yes, there are lots of challenges (heck, that keeps it interesting!)...
but at different times, different things make me feel happy when I go into the rabbitry...
Today, it is going in and seeing Pearl's fat, sleek REW babies (10 days old) all lined up in a piggy row.
I love colours, but there is just something satisfying about those uniform bright white babies!

What's your happy today?
TF3":2quwqu2m said:
What's your happy today?

Seeing the stacks of stainless steel bowls for winter watering that I bought with some of my Critterz Chewzit profits. :)

Plus all of the bunnehs playing with their toys and just generally enjoying life. :D
"We" are due this weekend, the happiest time ever :D So I am reeeally happy that this 30 days waiting period is over

I hope tommorow I will be happy because I finally got bunnies from a new buck
Going out to see miss Willow (one of our does) today was pretty funny; she's decided to make a sort bunny cave in her bedding. It was such a success that I couldn't even see her until I opened the cage and lifted up the newspaper! Still makes me smile whenever I go out to see her, because she's always busy arranging stuff c:
Mucky and Euryale (jap harli doe) are still such good friends, I can't reach into the pen to stroke one without the other snuggling up in hopes of a stray pat. (I know, I need :camera3: )

Sushi is still loving that he gets the run of the rabbitry floor. You should see him roosting at night with the little bantam mutts. :p

All the harlequin kits really make me happy too. :D I have to hold my arm up to keep the whole lot of them from tumbling out onto me whenever the cage door is opened. Even at 8+ weeks they still groom my hands while I'm fussing around their pen.

We should see our first magpies in less than 30 days too.

My elop black doe "eBella" had her second litter of Harlequin and Black kits. She is a perfect mom and makes me smile. Her mate "eBola" is just a sweetheart. A harlequin daughter "eClaire" from last litter is just a delight and probably my favorite rabbit color wise. I'm also excited to hopefully trade a Harly for a Broken in the near future so that I can work on tri's.
I have to say it is two mini lop kits. About three weeks old, these two little chestnut kits are the fattest, cutest, chubby faced little critters I have ever seen, and they love attention. If you walk past the cage, their REW sibling stays in the back by mama, but the two chestnuts come straight to the door begging you to open it and play with them.
They remind me of chip and dale, the chipmunks.

Pic of one, both are identical. This pic is about a week old.


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What's your happy today?

I now have four adult Florida Whites and two healthy litters (12 kits @ 6 weeks old). Every time I walk into the rabbitry, even if it's a hot day like today and they're all stretched out in the airflow from the evaporative cooler, they all hop up and wait for me to open their cage door. Then they stretch out to greet me.

Well, I know what they're really excited about is the old fashioned oatmeal they know I'm going to give them for a treat, but it's still great fun to see how friendly and happy they all are.

Her mate "eBola" is just a sweetheart.

You named... your rabbit... eBola!!! :p :lol: :lol: :lol:

TF3":2bfovtfc said:
What's your happy today?

Seeing George hop around and play with me and my family and his little "sonic" toy [it is his favourite toy]
I love visiting the three week olds. I love how inquisitive and friendly the 11wk olds are now. I love listening to Heaven grump at me when I tend to her. Watching Megan "need" her nest after watching her try to haystache into her feeder. Kisses from the boys. Foraging for them all.
Right this minute it's the happy look on my favorite neighbor's face when I pulled one out of the fridge and gave it to him. He is a darling man :)

Ordinarily it's their charming selves. They delight me every time I see them :)
The sweetness of the bunnies as we pulled them inside one by one today for some molting assistance (Galadriel collects fur for winter litters) as some of them are really blowing coat right now. Clipped nails and loved on them. Such sweeties!