what forage are you feeding/drying now?

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Well-known member
Rabbit Talk Supporter
Oct 4, 2014
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central New York
With this quirky spring, I keep losing track of what needs to be done when. Today while weeding my herb garden I found a couple borage seedlings that had finally sprouted. I think I lost some in the dry spell while my mind was elsewhere. I haven't fed that before but saw it mentioned as helping with milk production so decided to grow it. Does anyone here dry it for winter use? (We had dried stinging nettle last year that was eaten eagerly by chicks and rabbits) Today our 2 wwoofers helped cut and bundle willow for drying--welcome relief from all that weeding.

For filling the fresh forage buckets each day, I'm getting dandelion, dock, burdock, comfrey, various grasses and some clover and Queen Anne's lace. Also parsley from last year's plants I'm letting go to seed for next year. The new parsley is still tiny, also the cilantro. The plantain is still small, and I'm just beginning to see chicory. My mulberries are just starting to leaf out and I wondered if they are always later leafing or if it's because I just got them bare root in April.

I'd enjoy hearing what others are gathering, feeding or drying. (hoping you'll jog my memory on the things that slip my mind as the season advances)
Along with much of what you mentioned, I've been starting to dry tons of lemon balm, and feeding as much fresh garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) as the buns will take.
I have no need to dry things this time of year. I am overrun with creeping charlie/ground ivy. It is edible but some reports say it cannot be fed in large amounts and I have 2' high 3' wide patches now along with shorter amounts through the yard. I have a pair of male guinea pigs I was growing out who are now creeping charlie as fodder testers. Then I have this waterleaf patch that a pair of female guinea pigs are testing. Much of the rabbit and important guinea pig fresh food is coming off the grapevines I intend to finish ripping out for a berry patch instead. Some areas are growing a foot long new green vine and leaves practically every week. I've been helping the neighbors with the mulberry growing out of the side of their house by feeding all the green to the rabbits and all the woody parts to the chinchillas. I'm babying 2 mulberries on my property that aren't in the best locations but beggars can't be choosers. There are bits of plantain, dandelion, quickweed, and grasses but the yard is mostly torn up by the dogs and the rest is pooped on by the dogs so outside my garden areas there isn't much to be found. The strawberries should prove useful next year and I'm planning to widen the patch slowly.
At this point I have my hubby wait to do the weed eating till it's about knee high then rack and feed to buns. It's mostly tall grass(with seeds), and dandelions. Also we have several patches of clover that I harvest. Again wait till it's knee high and then cut back. Some of the fresh greens are washed in a vinegar solution (some of the patches are close to the road) and then served. :p :lol: :lol:
Dandelions, clover, plantains, wild roses and blackberry canes as far as wild stuff. Strawberry leaves, parsley, bean plant leaves, romaine, spinach, lemon balm and various herbs as far as purposeful plants. The corn is just getting going, along with our sweet potato plants, so those will get added to the mix.

Oh, and trimming the apple trees.

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